Wednesday, April 6, 2011

April Energy Notes


Perhaps nobody yet has been truthful enough about what “truthfulness” is
~ Nietzsche

It seems so ironic to me that at the most fearful time on the planet~ You must come with your truest self to the forefront.

Freefall in if you don’t have a plan.  It will be the only way to find “you” if you can’t figure your way into your truest expression of you, your gifts and abilities.  These are things you were born with.

Chaos rules at the moment.   If you haven’t met Chaos, introduce yourself, as you will be seeing a lot of him this year.
He thrives on surprising you, coming out of left field, always pulling the rug out from under.  There is nothing you can do ~ you won’t win.  So Ride the Ride.
 If you can adjust to that notion, it will help.  You need to stay awake, be alert to “ what” ..honestly…anything.

I will try to be as clear and concise as I can in these notes:

Conserve your energy on all levels for important things like living well, and being with people you love.  There will be lots of separation, as people will be living in two places, sometimes three places at once.  There will be lots of movement for lots of reasons.  Bonds are bonds so if your close you will stay close as long as you work on it by putting and focusing your energy where it’s needed.

How to deal with the Overload coming at you from all directions:

I have the most supportive, awesome people in my life..
You will need “your people”.

Eat well; drink tons of (umm-clean water

Take blue/green algae or any green super food.

Sleep~ everyone’s sleep patterns are off.  Sleep when your body tells you too.  If you have the luxury of naps, by all means nap.

Calm down, its easy to get into the hype.  Sometimes the hype is good to pay attention to, but you will have to decipher with your own instincts.

Beauty will be magnified, so will Ugly.

Be around people Pure of Spirit, and who have compassion for mankind.

Superficiality is a dinosaur I don’t care how much it’s trying to be shoved down your throat. These are not the times for it. For what use does it really have? And resourcefulness will be needed now.   So please be as real as you can.  No one will get scared away…that is supposed to be there.

Praying, meditating is all very good.  However, if you are off chasing butterflies in a field because everything is beautiful and all love mmmm. It’s not the reality of the situation.

 This doesn’t mean there is not lots of beauty in the world, but it will show up in the most unexpected places.

Moments will be very important. Pay attention, don’t miss them.  They are one of the most beautiful things in life.

It’s someways ..look around you will see it.  Whether good vs. evil, dark vs. light…warrior skills are needed now and will be. So will smart minds.   Aries energy rules at the moment and Aries is ruled by Mars, the planet of “War”.
It also rules explosions, weapons, and hotheads.  People will be short, temperamental, explosive, impatient, and all around cranky.  People have a lot on their plates..Everyone.

Creativity and Ingenuity will become very strong now because the brighter, smarter people are only going to get brighter and smarter given the way the world is going.
 It ‘s going to get really interesting to see some of the things that will be developed.  People’s higher minds are being put to the challenge, and I have faith that there are some pretty brilliant minds out there.

As much as we are all scrambling to keep our little lives together.  The reality of the state of the world will start to sink in more and more.

Some people are too shell shocked, or still have leftover trauma they have not worked out, or they just don’t think anything is changing while the world is blowing up around them.   All you can do is let them be, and pray they wake up on their own because I’m sure you’ve tried.  Some people seriously, just won’t get it and will keep living in their nice cozy world of denial.

Careful of  ego based people,   It’s non-productive, unless you feel you have a life of service in catering to others bs.   I don’t think that will make anyone happy. Those people need to be left in the dust so when they wake up, and see there are no friends around they change their behavior. People really need to tell people what’s on their minds, it can be diplomatic, but some people on the planet..are seriously going to need to be set straight, and you will be doing them a service by telling the truth.

People will not have time like they used to...not if they are on a mission.  Missions require focus, and they just can’t be pulled off all the time.   It’s not personal.  It’s a life requirement now.

Steer clear of insecure people as it will drain your energy, and it’s a big waste of time.  Insecure people will do nothing for you because they are only about themselves.  You will know because all they will talk about themselves lol. Insecure people. Please don’t mistake this for insecurities, which we clearly all have as humans.   You will know the difference.

People will be confusing as their best and worst qualities will be brought to the surface.  Tempestuous is the word I’m hearing.   Charlie Sheen comes to mind. Who knows what side he going to come out on.  It is interesting that he keeps going and going like that pink rabbit in the battery commercial.  Nothing is stopping him  call it strength, call it crazy, his soul is trying to push him somewhere in a very LOUD way. With whatever he may be using along the way.  Many props.

You will be tired of life some days.  You will want to give up will say what’s the use the World’s ending anyway.. Your dreams will seem like they are never coming true, or like there will be no time for them to be achieved because the media will have you convinced that the world is ending.  You’ll have that old Peggy Lee song “Is that all there is” playing in your head. (That song is so creepy to me lol).

The truth is, this could not be a more Magnificent time on the planet.  Yes it’s very unsettling in many ways, but to be human and experience all this fascinating change, unheaval,  and creativity is actually very exciting and exhilarating.  You just have to learn to navigate around  the chaos that has been so infused into our lives now,and yes ,it requires much more of your being on every level..of your soul…so it’s not easy, but who said it was supposed to be..  I didn’t see a contract when I was born that said ~ Kimberly your life will be super simple and easy.   So in a weird weird way we have to let go of any notion of how we “thought” life would be, and live In how “Life is” every moment.  I think we are being forced to learn on a very high level about “creation” and the opposite of creation, would be “destruction”  It truly is up to US each of US to create the world in the way we want.

We will not sit by anymore and cover our eyes, we will speak up.  We will stand up.   There will be much upheaval and uncovering.

NO ONE   … can really predict if  or when the world is ending, but I don’t think it is.
 As we once knew it Yes.  Uncharted Territory for sure.

Truth will be so apparent that everything else will seem so trans-parent.  The more true you become the more you can see through all that is a facade.  Then you will be able to manage your time the way you want.  You will be clear where you want to use your time, spend your time.

Stay in your own truth in your expression and it will be well received by the world.  Some people will be in a panic to put anything out there ~ this won’t work.  Don’t worry about what other people are doing create your own path.

There is much replenishment and healing needed for each and every one of us on the planet now. 

Spa days will become the necessity, not the luxury.  I am putting a list together of things to do to stay sane.  Stay tuned…

There is a second part to these Notes that I am excited to introduce tommorow.
  It’s late I need to sleep.

Please feel free to have people come to my page, I love sharing this information.

Love & Healing*


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Thank you so much for this. Really helpful and clear. I'm looking forward to the second installment.
:-) Shauna