whomever your God is.
The Energy has been nothing short of Tough..On a World Level and on a personal level. People are dealing with a lot, trying to walk a tight rope between keeping their own world together while the world around us is sheer Chaos.
I couldn't get anything in the last few weeks, one because of what was building, and two dealing with my own life. This week i am able to at least assess some of the Energy but I was in Sheer Confusion last week and useless the day of the Earthquake/Tsunami.
Nothing can really be predicted right now on where the next Earth Change will be. Its impossible so you will feel lost, scared, confused in the midst of moments of clarity and strength. All you can do is keep Surfing. Keep doing your daily tasks at hand to stay grounded in fluid way.
Pay attention to the news for information, but not for the fear factor. Pay attention to your own "inner knowing" and your own truth on what direction to move in. Don't count on people around you at the moment as they too are in their own process of transition. There's alot of mental activity happenening which will lead to alot of movement in our lives.
Direction will be confusing until April, but we have all started moving end February beginning of March and will now feel the urgency to move quickly to get things settled (somewhat) or as much as we can. You will not be able to predict your direction ~ you will need to have some faith and that won't be easy as the World may look like it's blowing up and ending. I would say metaphorically in our own lives it is and feels like it.
We cannot do things the way we have. There is a new level of honesty which will be uncomfortable, and a new level of responsibility that we are being forced to deal with.
It won't feel good at the will feel very unsettled and all I can say need to work through it it whatever way you can.
I would suggest you have some sort of gameplan, and move foward as much as you can. Don't get stuck or won't though don't worry. This is the "can't sleep" kind of energy. You will be driven to keep moving (in spite of your head freaking out).
I am not an Astrologer but I have lots of friends who are, and I follow and pay attention enough to know that this is Huge.
The Planet Uranus has left the sign of Pisces and moved in the sign of Aries:
below is the definition:
Uranus is known in astrology as the "Awakener," since its aspects and transits bring sudden changes and shocks. It rules Aquarius, the quirky innovator, and sometimes these upheavals are a necessary break from restrictions in favor of a more liberated path.
Mars definition:
A masculine planet of instinctive, primeval drives, Mars governs male relationships and associations, risk-taking inclinations, and the physical challenges we are likely to encounter. The word "martial" refers to the upright and soldierly, yet violent, militaristic and controlling side of Mars. Although traditionally classed as a malefic (evil-doer), Mars, when well-placed, endows powerful energy and an indomitable will to succeed. When poorly-placed or badly aspected, Mars can signal accidents, injuries, anger, rage, warfare and other forms of violence, according to the inclinations of the sign and house concerned. Mars generates acute conditions, burns, blisters, cuts, infections and inflammations. A force of fertility and reproduction as well as destruction, Mars shows that sometimes we need to destroy in order to create: to tear down, in order to build anew.
Get to know Uranus, Mars, as it will color our World.
It can be very liberating and exciting, yet very unsettling as well. Everything is subject to change. There will be shocks, changes and awakening and yes..more earth changes.
On a good note..Jupiter will also move into Aries:
Jupiter guides you to high ideals, a sense of purpose and what will bring you happiness. Jupiter determines whether your life journey will be smooth or rocky, whether you'll be stingy or generous, and your overall level of optimism.
So there will be good things happening as well. In our lives and in the World.
This week, hang tight, get your mind, body and soul in order. Regroup The EQ/Tsumani was a shockwave around the World and to our beings of waking up.
Try not to dwell in Fear..keep busy but productive busy..don't sit idle. Get Creative/Make Changes.
I wouldn't say it's a great time to communicate about relationships as there are bigger issues at hand . People need to figure out where they are at the moment and get their bearings. There will be time in April to talk and sort things out.
Meanwhile in our own little lives..pray, pray, meditate, reverence, graditude and Humility would be a great thing to focus on. Do what you can.. Be kind, understanding..patience will lack now think before you speak as I have to remind myself.
With Deep Love to All
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