Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Energy Notes April "Through the Time Tunnel"

Time is a funny thing..it brings people closer, and further apart. some of us may not know just how much we really live in someone's heart. You will come to know this more and more as 2010 unfolds.

April will be a whirlwind. It will be exciting because whatever we were thinking of back in December, January, February and part of March is now being put into action. Everyone is waking up to their truest selves, which can only mean one thing..true lifestyles, work, and loves.

We have officially stepped into unconditional love..think about that for there is so much freedom in that. With freedom, comes beauty & authenticity. We are not through the time tunnel yet though. Almost, but not quite until May or June. We are in the process of huge healings from the past 10 years. That is alot of stuff to unload. We are in the thick of it right now while transitioning into new surroundings.

April is a month of responsibilty and healing. Responsibility to clean up relationships, and any messes that need to be cleaned up from 2009, (remember that year), although clean ups should not be difficult and will flow fairly easy. It is a month of healing your body and your soul to begin your new life and shape our new world, (and your world).

We will be busy, and on the move. Expect lots of communication, events, and running around.

On the relationship front you can see how towards the end of March the energy shifted to a faster pace, and it's only moving faster. People that ended relationships should be well over that relationship now, and moving towards brighter horizens either in their head, or actually in
pursuing something (someone) different. People will have moved on, and accepted things in their lives with grace and ease. The drama has been removed both in our beings and our relationships. Look back remember the drama frenzies? They were not for nothing, they were for us to learn and understand, grow and evolve into better human beings. Holding a grudge will only hold you back, let go, say goodbye and just move foward. Some things will just be erased with time.

This is why I call April's Energy Notes "Through the Time Tunnel".
"The Time Tunnel" we are almost through the tunnel and on the other side is a whole other story. The one you've dreamed of, hoped for, longed for.

Whatever you can do to heal through the fast pace of April do it. Yoga, reike, acupunture, steams, saunas, massages, journaling, journeying any form of healing that suits you, learn to incorporate it into your daily or at least weekly schedule.

People in your life that are supposed to with you - will be, and no matter how far away, or how frequent or infrequently you speak - no one can break that bond. We will all be meeting up with new people as well because we are shifting our new lives. Freedom with Love is key. You have to let people "do their thing" and continue to love them. Everyone will be off creating their own little world amidst the big world to bring their gifts and what they love and hold close to their hearts to the front.

These are amazing times we are living in. One last thing, whatever you do..do not compare your "pace" to someone else's not only will you miss your rythm, but you will lose sight of your own path. Some people are ahead, others are behind..it really doesn't matter, but I will say this -I learn and listen from the one's ahead of me, and I teach and show compassion to the one's that are behind. We all just need to help. I see the lines in people's positions fading, and counting on and paying attention to their character and who they are. Your body will let you know who you want to deal with, and who you don't. Pay attention to your energy, and other's energy as well.

The energy seems to be very faced paced, sometimes it zig zags, and other times its flowing nevertheless it's moving. Remember to show Love through your pace. Afterall isn't that what we are her for?

I will most likely be adding the these notes throughout April, so check back with me.

With Love, Strength & Clarity

Tuesday, March 2, 2010


You must have noticed by now..the shift that I've been talking about - well everyone has been talking about...It is just starting to show itself. The Mars Retrograde has been the backdrop and the theme of our Winter Season. Since December we have been frustrated in trying to move things foward as we assimilated our new beings into our old/new lives. Always able to see the new life and excited while trying to finish up all the old unfinished biz of 2009. 2010 is officially about to start!!

We have been (hopefully you have) cleaning out, clearing out...old behaviors, old relationships that no longer serve you, old business, old wardrobe..basically everything up to 2009 is now expired unless you have renewed it, breathed fresh life into it, or resurrected it (out of your own choice)..otherwise say Goodbye..to whatever you decided to let go of in 2009.

You are about to step into your New Life--I'm sure your feeling it - if your not that you've not been doing the work. On a physical level people are renewing there bodies, on a spiritual level people are opening up to unconditional love- the only kind of love there is. We just had to go through all the drama to know what depth of love we could feel...so you could know for yourself. Drama is dead...you wll not return or repeat any relationships that resemble that even a little bit. Honor & embrace your freedom (even if you are in a relationship) authenticity will be front & center. Jealousy is no longer relevant, neither is control..you will not tolerate it if anyone shows up with that behavior. I know for me my body won't even allow myself to re-act - I just walk away, and never look back. A few years ago that would have been a very different story for me. We have all gone through tremendous pain & suffering over the past ten years...I mean really.

Now as March 10th rolls in and you roll out- you literally will feel very comfortable in your new skin that will feel like this was your skin all along. Everything will have a sense of ease..your old life will feel like a lifetime ago. Pain will be a distant memory although you my feel like it happened yesterday..you might remember it..but you will no longer feel it.

A strange thing we have all been shifting on a physical level..I can't really explain it, but you will feel it and know what I'm talking about. We have let go of density and have become light bodies (that is why there is no more drama) a light body cannot physically hold it.

Pay attention to the first two weeks ..right after March 10th..slowly roll out..pace yourself don't try to jump out of the gate and accomplish everything. You will however, see a very significant change in your life. It will be so apparent. If you are reading this and saying shit - I haven't done the work and I still do not know where I am going. Get on it now - not necessarily in where your going, but in cleaning everything up. You have to get on this ..Pronto*** you will have a little bit of time during April - but not much really.

Things are about to take off- it will be exciting & unpredictable so do not become attached to anything. Understand it and appreciate all it has to offer. Stay in the moment with people & relationships..we never know.

Energetically...women have to balance themselves (hormonally) the earth is shifting. (I will talk more on this ) Men - come back into balance - you've shifted to far into the feminine..men need to regain their instincts - that is what is sexy..I know it's hard in LA lol.
We all need to be Yin & Yang complete unto ourselves in order for us to work well on the planet with everyone. Not only will people be meeting up with New Love - Real Love..the collaboration between people on projects will astound you. No one will be working alone..it will be very "Libran" many people, many projects. Amazing work will come through us this year. This is truly an exiciting time to be on the planet...and yes - it will be a wild ride..nothing tame about it!

On another note..I am not a scientist, however my theory on the earth changes is this..
I get alot of Psychic hits about the glaciers melting (at a very fast rate)..I don't think the world is ending, nor would I ever be such an asshole to think I would even know. In my humble opinion (my opinion) the water levels are rising in the oceans..think of a tank where the waves would wash back and forth with great force...not only would this throw the Rhythm off, but it would with great force have the earth start to wobble as the Poles got knocked out off their axis ad for the tectonic plates in the ocean to be disturbed. The frequencies are all over the place..sealife is confused and are having problems with finding their way..Sea turtles are getting knocked off course, whales, dolphins, sea lions..squid..you name it Nature is revealing some issues. Dolphins should be paid close attention to.

It will get frustrating with people on the planet still trying to run game with their same ol f***** up behavior. Please try not to pay attention or keep movin on - seriously....You Cannot Save Anyone Now...beleive me - I was the Queen of saving..(what can I say healers try to save everyone) until I was left bleeding and almost for dead..(not literally- well) anyway...No more saving..it's over. You have to become connected with your Warrior Spirit True Compassion, that means cutting off heads - if need be. Everyone is responsible for themselves..Liars, Vampires, Manipulators, Freaks, Psychos, Users, Narcissists & Joy Thieves..will all have to go play on another island, and kill each other...people who have been through as most of us have know exactly what I mean. People who are in the vibration of love cannot/willnot be affected by these people anymore.

People with heart will be too busy bringing their gifts to the world, colloborating with other people to help bring thier gifts to the world..to frankly um..make a better world. Don't know what to do with yourself? lost? confused? Make a better world - contribute-simple.
You will need to take care physically psychically - yes psychically - alot more telepathy and psychic ability will be available and very apparent especially in children.

Diets will be cleaner, living spaces more open..lighter. We will be on-top of our lives in every way..so now you can see why you won't want anyone pulling you off track or course.
The rest of the time you will be laughing, playing or enjoying your life.. I feel like we will be much more physical - dance, yoga, martial arts..etc.

Relationships will be lighter - like a breath of fresh air, unconditional love will mean you can love lots of people (and still be monogamous if you choose) which I beleive there will be great partnerships. I feel like once people sink into their own beautiful skin..there will be alot less nuerosis on the planet as well, You will be centered and feel safe and at peace with your life..as unpredictable as this precious gift can be.

Lots of Love,
Kimberly/aka KimLoveMuse