NOVEMBER ~ Already Where did this year go? and yet I feel like I have lived a million lives in one year ~ yes it has been that intense. By Now you have to be paying attention and feeling at the very least that things are differerent yes?
Before I can go into November's Energy, I need to step back into October for a minute. OCTOBER 2010 was a Brilliant Month to me the best month of this year although let's see what November & December Bring.
October was like a blast of air that blew open our the doors in our lives and switched everything up. It was tricky because September was a pretty fun, chill month and then came that big big Full Moon, and that is when everything CHANGED.
October basically rolled us in head first upside down ~ i don't think any of us knew where we had landed. We were thrown into very familiar territory in our beings (our feelings, our intuition) yet our minds could not grasp what was happening. You knew things were falling into place, but you had no idea how you landed where you did. October required us to step foward with all of ourselves without knowing where we were or where we were going ~ we just knew..time to switch it up :) One moment at a time, plans couldn't be made, if you did, you changed them again and again. Intense yet Rich was the feeling in October. It took us our of any comfort zone we thought we had, and required us to live in our intuition while looking confident no one knew any the confusion was happening within us..lol most of us felt like we where from another planet and had just landed in some strange new land with the strange beings madly running all over the place. The beauty of Scorpio ~ concealing true emotions which helped us work underneath everything while going about our daily lives looking cool, calm and collected. This was a very powerful shift in everyone's life..alot of people woke up, and had to walk through their lives with complete uncertainty, with an eirie feeling of knowing everything would be ok as long as you quietly communed within your spirit and all the Scorpionic Energy that ruled October. I love all the Scorpio Energy ~ It's deep, intense, sexy, interesting, there is a comfort in all the undercurrents, always way more than one thing going on. It was a lot to handle, but we did and we actually loved the energy from what I could see. It was like going for tea at a Vampire's house in the middle of the day. You could see all the beauty of the colors, textures, in the rugs, couches, lamps and yet you were in no danger so it was eeirily comfortable. For me I flew to Miami in September, then to NY where I was going to stay for a week and work...as I stayed in my being moment to moment..I had to feel my way through the energy not having any answers ~ just trusting..I have been in NY for over 2 months now. It took us to nowhere we would have thought we would land. Complete surprise in awakenings to feelings and unresolved issues that you could not have predicted. So Again~ October was a Brilliant Brilliant Month on so many levels including where it brought you and dropped you off..
So now onto.. November which is what all the strong energy of October set us up for. For me I am seeing shifts in the Energy constantly..never know when, but I always feel it when it happens. Sometimes it feels good, and other times I get that pang it my stomach. November will be not as much of a whirlwind as October which was like a fun otherwordly ride. November's Energy will require you to be brave* It will require you to embrace all of who you are and now* walk in that. We are at the last part of assimilating all our of beings.
This year has been very very confusing, intense, difficult, and powerful for people. There has been amazing insights, and very devastating realizations about your life, people, places, and truths ~ you have had to let go, learn unconditonal love, learn to trust when you didn't want to or even know how. You may have lost faith in even going on and questioned what your life was for, and your still here, still standing..you have walked through the fire or should I say fires. If you are still holdig on to any old part of yourself ~ let go.
People will be like Christmas presents now..all shiny new packages to open. Your friends will be different..actually all the people in your life will now be different not only due to tremendous growth and bravery to come through these interesting times we are in, but because very honest true parts of themselves that you have never seen will start to emerge. We are all in the same progression (different time frames).
Some people have been catapulted into this New Energy, some are a little slower, and some still need to wake up. It doesn't matter as long as you stay in your own energy.
November will require bravery,discipline, honesty, freedom, space, communication and alot of trust.
People are getting on their paths in ways they never dreamed of so they will be required to clear, heal, and be able to work i discipline ~ discipline that works for them** NOT YOU.* You need to be responsible to your own energy now !!~ you can communicate how you feel, but you cannot Spiritually "Throw Up" on people anymore. Seriously people STOP. You have everything you need inside of yourselves instead of going into a frenzy and freaking out go into yourself for a minute and check in. People are being required to do alot on the planet..allow people to do their work and use their gifts. No more acting like big narcisstic babies that are only self involved and it's all about you! There needs for us to live in our compassion, love, and learning to LIVE WELL.
So November is all about the Work :) The Work, the discipline or learning to move into your discipline and not anyone else's version of discipline but your own and how that works for you. Responsibility that is your own version as well~ not the textbook version. Compassion ~ again your own version, Unconditional Love, Love again your own version. The Rules have Changed. It's a different world a better world, a better you, a better me..through all the struggles, fighting, survivalsl, hardships, instense obstacles, all our flaws, all the harm that was done to our spirits ~ everyone one of us..intentionally or unintentionally ~ IT"S OVER ~ LET IT GO...
Its truly is a New Time ~ New World ~ The challenges are new but nothing like the pain we have all experienced in our lives to grow to this point of compassion and understanding. This is for all those beautiful children that are truly going to make difference in this magnificent world. Just think of others it's not that hard. Think of others with Respect & Honor for their Lives, think of others i that we share the same world, same air. Think of others and their gifts that they present to you ~ look at how many beautiful Spirits you know, and how truly original and amazing they are in their own right.
Many of us have one foot in their old life and one foot in their new life, it will be a slow progression on all of us settling into our new places ( I wrote back in Jan I think that many of us would be moving) :) It's all happening ..NOW.. We found our new dwellings in October~ whether internal or new location or both but we have pretty set the clock ad now it's the movement and choices within this..
Relationships will be brought to new levels..friendship & Love . Friendships wil be renewed and unveiled things you though you knew about people will surprise you ~ in a good way :)
One Note ~ people will be letting go of people for whatever reason..I am sorry to say there has and will be alot of cleaning out..I don't have the answers for this I just know it to be true in my heart, soul and in my own experience. We just don't have the capacity to entertain old energy so if it doesn't match up it will leave one way or another. With Love or without but there probably won't be any turning back in some cases.
LOVE~ This is huge..* Many have been with their partners for a long time, this is because these are people that have understood Unconditional Love from the beginning of their relationship. They have been progressive and allowed each other to grow through life and with each other.
For some 2009 was a battle ground to hash out the relationship and finally settle in :) It wasn't easy for some but you will find well worth it.
Others will say Goodbye and move foward into a more Energetically matched Union.
Many of us have met up with our partners in September, October, and many will be meeting up end of this year. Relationships will be like blueprints that match. Love like you have never know before will come into your life. Nothing will compare or match this experience.
Relationships will be free, with a strong bond of trust and loyalty. These are partnerships truly supporting each other. There is still a tinge of jealousy, insecurity, and drama but everyone will be working it out and begin to understand that it's useless but we are human so it will require new communication which will make all the difference. When you communicate honestly and from an organic place there is movement and freedom to grow. There are no old patterns which is the MAGNET for DRAMA. This is the reason (or one of) for ascension) We have become light bodies..have you noticed people are lighter, even eating lighter, less food, different, they have dropped addictions, habits, phobias etc. and don't worry if your not completely there your on track just align with your energy in however that works for you. People are in all different places advanced in some places in their lives and not so much yet in other places..this will all balance out at the end of the year.
Don't forget some form of prayer, meditation some spiiritual infusion for you life :)
We are Spirits havings a HUMAN experience..and now from what I can see Humans finally having a Spiritual experience!!
Love & Light & Fun & Laughter*
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