Wednesday, October 6, 2010





My October Notes are pretty long, but there is a lot of good info for you.

times as the Energy keeps changing it's moving so fast. We are on the brink of the Holiday's Once again Halloween is always the start for me. We've come full circle of the year and even though New Year's is in January, October will feel like a new year/new life given the way I am seeing the energy go. I will forewarn you that you need to work with the energy in a different way so I will do my best to give you tips. I apologize for taking so long with these again but I want to be as accurate as I can to the best of my abilities and If I don't feel they are right I won't put them out.

I am going to back up into September for a minute. September came in so quickly and it was such a dynamic month yet also one big blur. It moved so fast then brought the huge full moon Aries September 22nd/23rd smack in the middle of the Fall Equinox and then rolled out leaving everyone confused and depressed for about four days at the end of the month. It was as if the circus came to town, everyone got excited after a kind of so so summer, and was so excited about seeing the fire-eaters, trapeze artists, circus freaks, and clowns and poof * it was gone ~ just when it was getting fun & interesting. Now we move into October...

October is blowing every door wide open. (Remember you asked for this in September when you were questioning your entire life). October will give it all to you ~ every different theme only there won't be any rythme or reason on how this is all presented. It will be up to you to pay attention to the different themes developing now in your life, as these will be showing completion at the end of the year into the spring of 2011. You will be learning to live in your Newfound "Authentic" Self that everyone has been pushed to do since 2009. You will be testing out living "Up in the Air" to be living in your heart and in the moment ~ Your Truest Life In Your Truest Form. It will be so rich and feel so good. Some people have been doing this their entire lives and just had to tweak it a little bit, others will be getting used to it. Remember I have been saying all year lots of people will be changing Residence so we are all learning to live in different places, and or more than one place. You will also be juggling way more than one project.

October will feel a bit more grounded, cozy and full ~there will be a sort of contentment or calm (kind of like those fall nights that are all cozy with the chill and freshness in the air. New clothes, boots, jackets, sweaters, the smell of fireplaces, and the kickoff to some fun social arenas.

There will be days where you will go underground, and other days where you will want to be fully out there. This is more than any other month this year. The underground energy will be the focus and that coziness within yourself that I'm talking about. New Relationships are coming so my favorite topic "LOVE" will be very strong and many people will be in and developing their relationships. There will also be a kind of trimming the fat element this month as people go deeper into their lives and commitments probably more than they ever have before, unfortunately - this means people will have to fall off. It doesn't mean you don't love them (or maybe you don't) it just means you time will be much more prioritized for your priorities.

There is a Venus Retrograde in Scorpio (nothing to panic about) it will be about Love & Projects pretty much from now October 8th till December 20th (even though it end November 19th) this is a powerful transit especially on the heels of that giant full moon that turned everyone inside out in September. Expect - yes expect old lives, old friends, old issues, and unfinished artistic projects, to be around. The old issues will be how you deal with your past coming back in your face, and it will be up to you ~ solely to decide & decipher - why has this person returned, what unfinished business/karma whatever do you have, or have they become the walking dead that just shows up because they are still unconscious, and are trying to manipulate or get something from you out of you. Most conscious people have become hip to the Soul Stealers, Joy Thieves, Infants in Grown Bodies, Zombies, Vampires and the Walking Dead pretending to still con their way through the planet and human race by preying on the kindness of people's compassion, generosity, kindness and love. They come cloaked looking helpless, sad, victimish or they could look arrogant and strong ~ you just don't know until you assess the energy in your own body on how you feel. Here's hint though~ you won't feel right around them - so something will be off and you will feel drained or resentful as they contribute NOTHING to your life but only take. It's over with these creatures, I have seen myself and too many of my friends deal with this, now we are equipped. As long as you have CLARITY & FLOW in your life you will be ok as this is one of the many warrior weapons against the dark. I am letting you know the rules have changed it is now up to the Spiritually Conscious to never deal with any of this energy again or even entertain it, and I promise you ~ if you look it your life it is there somewhere. Spiritual Ethics (which are new) now say the right thing to do is Leave this alone, let it go, clear it out, kill it off (matter of speaking) detox it, relinquish it whatever. Just don't carry it into 2011 or 2012.

There will be an invaluable amount of honesty from people now, all for your growth, careful it's now criticism again you will have to decipher. Your friends will be extremely honest in the best of your interest. Meditation, Zen Time, (which could be your working out, music, art, poetry) will be important, one note on this. Make sure it is for you and no one else first and foremost so it would be strictly creative, it may make you money later on, but it will be purely channeled. Many more people will step into the role of Healers, Spiritualists, Psychic's, etc. I am so happy that there are movies not being made in Hollywood by superb directors and actors on the lives of Psychic's. It makes me feel like people will finally understand things with me at a much deeper level than I was able to explain. I've been so "In It" for so much of my life that I just couldn't explain any of what I have gone through, dealt with, learned, endured etc. I can tell you for sure I never really had a normal life even if at times it looked like it on the outside it really never was on the inside. I now can finally acknowledge my gifts, my blessings in my differentness, which was so hard to accept in my childhood and growing up. I think on some level we all just want to be understood and belong - two things that were excluded in my childhood in exchange for my incredible learning and understanding.

So October a time to "Glow & Grow" in your own right, a time for your now newly learned unconditional love to step up (it won't be easy in some cases). Sultry, Sexy Creative Energy, without any kind of Rhyme or Reason things will evolve right before your eyes, I Love This :). Two things on this energy, you cannot be selfish and you cannot be arrogant. The selfishness I am referring to is not sharing yourself with the world, in other words brooding, withholding and being depressed instead of allowing what you have to offer be your guiding force. You can have a bad day, it's when it's everyday all day that you need to pay attention. No one can do this for you and quite frankly we've moved into a different kind of collaboration as humans so no one will really be paying attention due to the most important fact ~ we will all be too busy. Arrogance will not serve either in other words,

We all are doing amazing things ~ no one is single handedly "Saving the World" or.. you know what I'm saying try not to get resentful at times about your purpose and the path you chose. We are Sprinkles in beautiful different colors and our own unique make-up making up that big beautiful Ice cream cone. So Humility is a must have amidst the Itinerary for the World Now.

At times out in the world it will look like people are all in their own bubble ~ in some ways they will be because of learning how to decipher the different energies, protect themselves and stay focused. It will be surreal but we are now living amidst chaos and truly able to navigate our course. You cannot hid out even if you want to or even think you fooling people ~ agenda's will be very apparent and most likely in they are from the old energy ~ not tolerated. Patience is in a new form not for wasting it on useless energy or things that are non-productive will come clear very quickly. So a lot of things have been switched up that you will have to pay attention to energy wise as the rules have changed. One hint I can give you ~ energy now takes an organic course (not prefabricated, or used to cover up people's cover-ups) If you allow you eyes to see ~ you will and you will feel empowered- not confused or frustrated. If you are confused or frustrated let it roll out and unravel a little bit, then address it in a different way almost like those pictures (I don't know what they're called) but if you look at them one way you something, and if you stare long enough you see something else. you can work with the energy that way to.

Women will continue to bring the feminine force in ~ in a power and support in their different ways of beauty feminity, and grace. Women will support Men in finally stepping into their power which will require honoring the Goddess in Women. Finally Ladies We have arrived, and Men will not be dissappointed at all.

Love to You All KimLoveMuse

To be Continued…

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