Saturday, December 4, 2010


December Energy Notes

by Kimlovemuse's Energy Notes on Saturday, December 4, 2010 at 12:09am

DECEMBER ~ It's Time We are here... Grab your Star it has your name on it.

This month will be whirlwind. It's hard to believe that time is moving so fast. We are now more present

in our lives than we have ever been, and if you look back you will see how far you've, we have come.

The strides we have made are astounding, just look around. I have been truly blessed to witness so many

amazing results in people's lives. We have worked so hard for our dreams our truest reality and now, even though the work has just begun we have stepped into our true selves and our truest dreams. We are all progressing at our own pace, but you can see once your aligned with yourself how quickly everything moves.

Your projects are now coming to life, you have met or you will shortly be meeting up with your true love or if you have been lucky enough they have and are still by your side. Whatever the case these times are truly magnificent although we are all walking around with a "business as usual" attitude..something is very different now. We are all different. Our truest heart selves have emerged and there will be no denying it.

Our truths are now evident. Dreams have and are being realized, understood and manifested. We have come to much "higher ground". If you feel you've not reached this point then look in your life and within yourself and see where are you not telling the truth, sit with it ~stay in your intuition, and move only when you feel it is the right time to move.

There is still much work to be done, the difference is that we are now in it, and living it every day. This Holiday Season will be filled with Love Light and feeling truly blessed by those around you. People helping people with genuine concern, respect and a deep understanding of what it is to be a human being in these times.

There is alot of finishing up on old chapters while our new chapter have already opened. Clarity will be apparent on many levels. Depth of understanding and living a spiritual life cannot be denied. Feeling graditude will be daily. Our lines in the sand have been drawn for replenishment, richness, respect, and freedom for us to live our lives as we are truly meant to. Everything is slowing falling into place and if it hasn't yet there is a knowing and undeniable feeling that it will.

Continue on, and know that you will never be the same from all you've come through and all you've worked so hard to become. Our Angels are revealing themselves ~ especially the ones in our lives.

Love & Peace


Saturday, November 6, 2010


NOVEMBER ~ Already Where did this year go? and yet I feel like I have lived a million lives in one year ~ yes it has been that intense. By Now you have to be paying attention and feeling at the very least that things are differerent yes?

Before I can go into November's Energy, I need to step back into October for a minute. OCTOBER 2010 was a Brilliant Month to me the best month of this year although let's see what November & December Bring.

October was like a blast of air that blew open our the doors in our lives and switched everything up. It was tricky because September was a pretty fun, chill month and then came that big big Full Moon, and that is when everything CHANGED.

October basically rolled us in head first upside down ~ i don't think any of us knew where we had landed. We were thrown into very familiar territory in our beings (our feelings, our intuition) yet our minds could not grasp what was happening. You knew things were falling into place, but you had no idea how you landed where you did. October required us to step foward with all of ourselves without knowing where we were or where we were going ~ we just knew..time to switch it up :) One moment at a time, plans couldn't be made, if you did, you changed them again and again. Intense yet Rich was the feeling in October. It took us our of any comfort zone we thought we had, and required us to live in our intuition while looking confident no one knew any the confusion was happening within most of us felt like we where from another planet and had just landed in some strange new land with the strange beings madly running all over the place. The beauty of Scorpio ~ concealing true emotions which helped us work underneath everything while going about our daily lives looking cool, calm and collected. This was a very powerful shift in everyone's life..alot of people woke up, and had to walk through their lives with complete uncertainty, with an eirie feeling of knowing everything would be ok as long as you quietly communed within your spirit and all the Scorpionic Energy that ruled October. I love all the Scorpio Energy ~ It's deep, intense, sexy, interesting, there is a comfort in all the undercurrents, always way more than one thing going on. It was a lot to handle, but we did and we actually loved the energy from what I could see. It was like going for tea at a Vampire's house in the middle of the day. You could see all the beauty of the colors, textures, in the rugs, couches, lamps and yet you were in no danger so it was eeirily comfortable. For me I flew to Miami in September, then to NY where I was going to stay for a week and I stayed in my being moment to moment..I had to feel my way through the energy not having any answers ~ just trusting..I have been in NY for over 2 months now. It took us to nowhere we would have thought we would land. Complete surprise in awakenings to feelings and unresolved issues that you could not have predicted. So Again~ October was a Brilliant Brilliant Month on so many levels including where it brought you and dropped you off..

So now onto.. November which is what all the strong energy of October set us up for. For me I am seeing shifts in the Energy constantly..never know when, but I always feel it when it happens. Sometimes it feels good, and other times I get that pang it my stomach. November will be not as much of a whirlwind as October which was like a fun otherwordly ride. November's Energy will require you to be brave* It will require you to embrace all of who you are and now* walk in that. We are at the last part of assimilating all our of beings.

This year has been very very confusing, intense, difficult, and powerful for people. There has been amazing insights, and very devastating realizations about your life, people, places, and truths ~ you have had to let go, learn unconditonal love, learn to trust when you didn't want to or even know how. You may have lost faith in even going on and questioned what your life was for, and your still here, still have walked through the fire or should I say fires. If you are still holdig on to any old part of yourself ~ let go.

People will be like Christmas presents now..all shiny new packages to open. Your friends will be different..actually all the people in your life will now be different not only due to tremendous growth and bravery to come through these interesting times we are in, but because very honest true parts of themselves that you have never seen will start to emerge. We are all in the same progression (different time frames).

Some people have been catapulted into this New Energy, some are a little slower, and some still need to wake up. It doesn't matter as long as you stay in your own energy.

November will require bravery,discipline, honesty, freedom, space, communication and alot of trust.

People are getting on their paths in ways they never dreamed of so they will be required to clear, heal, and be able to work i discipline ~ discipline that works for them** NOT YOU.* You need to be responsible to your own energy now !!~ you can communicate how you feel, but you cannot Spiritually "Throw Up" on people anymore. Seriously people STOP. You have everything you need inside of yourselves instead of going into a frenzy and freaking out go into yourself for a minute and check in. People are being required to do alot on the planet..allow people to do their work and use their gifts. No more acting like big narcisstic babies that are only self involved and it's all about you! There needs for us to live in our compassion, love, and learning to LIVE WELL.

So November is all about the Work :) The Work, the discipline or learning to move into your discipline and not anyone else's version of discipline but your own and how that works for you. Responsibility that is your own version as well~ not the textbook version. Compassion ~ again your own version, Unconditional Love, Love again your own version. The Rules have Changed. It's a different world a better world, a better you, a better me..through all the struggles, fighting, survivalsl, hardships, instense obstacles, all our flaws, all the harm that was done to our spirits ~ everyone one of us..intentionally or unintentionally ~ IT"S OVER ~ LET IT GO...

Its truly is a New Time ~ New World ~ The challenges are new but nothing like the pain we have all experienced in our lives to grow to this point of compassion and understanding. This is for all those beautiful children that are truly going to make difference in this magnificent world. Just think of others it's not that hard. Think of others with Respect & Honor for their Lives, think of others i that we share the same world, same air. Think of others and their gifts that they present to you ~ look at how many beautiful Spirits you know, and how truly original and amazing they are in their own right.


Many of us have one foot in their old life and one foot in their new life, it will be a slow progression on all of us settling into our new places ( I wrote back in Jan I think that many of us would be moving) :) It's all happening ..NOW.. We found our new dwellings in October~ whether internal or new location or both but we have pretty set the clock ad now it's the movement and choices within this..

Relationships will be brought to new levels..friendship & Love . Friendships wil be renewed and unveiled things you though you knew about people will surprise you ~ in a good way :)

One Note ~ people will be letting go of people for whatever reason..I am sorry to say there has and will be alot of cleaning out..I don't have the answers for this I just know it to be true in my heart, soul and in my own experience. We just don't have the capacity to entertain old energy so if it doesn't match up it will leave one way or another. With Love or without but there probably won't be any turning back in some cases.

LOVE~ This is huge..* Many have been with their partners for a long time, this is because these are people that have understood Unconditional Love from the beginning of their relationship. They have been progressive and allowed each other to grow through life and with each other.

For some 2009 was a battle ground to hash out the relationship and finally settle in :) It wasn't easy for some but you will find well worth it.

Others will say Goodbye and move foward into a more Energetically matched Union.

Many of us have met up with our partners in September, October, and many will be meeting up end of this year. Relationships will be like blueprints that match. Love like you have never know before will come into your life. Nothing will compare or match this experience.

Relationships will be free, with a strong bond of trust and loyalty. These are partnerships truly supporting each other. There is still a tinge of jealousy, insecurity, and drama but everyone will be working it out and begin to understand that it's useless but we are human so it will require new communication which will make all the difference. When you communicate honestly and from an organic place there is movement and freedom to grow. There are no old patterns which is the MAGNET for DRAMA. This is the reason (or one of) for ascension) We have become light bodies..have you noticed people are lighter, even eating lighter, less food, different, they have dropped addictions, habits, phobias etc. and don't worry if your not completely there your on track just align with your energy in however that works for you. People are in all different places advanced in some places in their lives and not so much yet in other places..this will all balance out at the end of the year.

Don't forget some form of prayer, meditation some spiiritual infusion for you life :)

We are Spirits havings a HUMAN experience..and now from what I can see Humans finally having a Spiritual experience!!

Love & Light & Fun & Laughter*


Wednesday, October 6, 2010





My October Notes are pretty long, but there is a lot of good info for you.

times as the Energy keeps changing it's moving so fast. We are on the brink of the Holiday's Once again Halloween is always the start for me. We've come full circle of the year and even though New Year's is in January, October will feel like a new year/new life given the way I am seeing the energy go. I will forewarn you that you need to work with the energy in a different way so I will do my best to give you tips. I apologize for taking so long with these again but I want to be as accurate as I can to the best of my abilities and If I don't feel they are right I won't put them out.

I am going to back up into September for a minute. September came in so quickly and it was such a dynamic month yet also one big blur. It moved so fast then brought the huge full moon Aries September 22nd/23rd smack in the middle of the Fall Equinox and then rolled out leaving everyone confused and depressed for about four days at the end of the month. It was as if the circus came to town, everyone got excited after a kind of so so summer, and was so excited about seeing the fire-eaters, trapeze artists, circus freaks, and clowns and poof * it was gone ~ just when it was getting fun & interesting. Now we move into October...

October is blowing every door wide open. (Remember you asked for this in September when you were questioning your entire life). October will give it all to you ~ every different theme only there won't be any rythme or reason on how this is all presented. It will be up to you to pay attention to the different themes developing now in your life, as these will be showing completion at the end of the year into the spring of 2011. You will be learning to live in your Newfound "Authentic" Self that everyone has been pushed to do since 2009. You will be testing out living "Up in the Air" to be living in your heart and in the moment ~ Your Truest Life In Your Truest Form. It will be so rich and feel so good. Some people have been doing this their entire lives and just had to tweak it a little bit, others will be getting used to it. Remember I have been saying all year lots of people will be changing Residence so we are all learning to live in different places, and or more than one place. You will also be juggling way more than one project.

October will feel a bit more grounded, cozy and full ~there will be a sort of contentment or calm (kind of like those fall nights that are all cozy with the chill and freshness in the air. New clothes, boots, jackets, sweaters, the smell of fireplaces, and the kickoff to some fun social arenas.

There will be days where you will go underground, and other days where you will want to be fully out there. This is more than any other month this year. The underground energy will be the focus and that coziness within yourself that I'm talking about. New Relationships are coming so my favorite topic "LOVE" will be very strong and many people will be in and developing their relationships. There will also be a kind of trimming the fat element this month as people go deeper into their lives and commitments probably more than they ever have before, unfortunately - this means people will have to fall off. It doesn't mean you don't love them (or maybe you don't) it just means you time will be much more prioritized for your priorities.

There is a Venus Retrograde in Scorpio (nothing to panic about) it will be about Love & Projects pretty much from now October 8th till December 20th (even though it end November 19th) this is a powerful transit especially on the heels of that giant full moon that turned everyone inside out in September. Expect - yes expect old lives, old friends, old issues, and unfinished artistic projects, to be around. The old issues will be how you deal with your past coming back in your face, and it will be up to you ~ solely to decide & decipher - why has this person returned, what unfinished business/karma whatever do you have, or have they become the walking dead that just shows up because they are still unconscious, and are trying to manipulate or get something from you out of you. Most conscious people have become hip to the Soul Stealers, Joy Thieves, Infants in Grown Bodies, Zombies, Vampires and the Walking Dead pretending to still con their way through the planet and human race by preying on the kindness of people's compassion, generosity, kindness and love. They come cloaked looking helpless, sad, victimish or they could look arrogant and strong ~ you just don't know until you assess the energy in your own body on how you feel. Here's hint though~ you won't feel right around them - so something will be off and you will feel drained or resentful as they contribute NOTHING to your life but only take. It's over with these creatures, I have seen myself and too many of my friends deal with this, now we are equipped. As long as you have CLARITY & FLOW in your life you will be ok as this is one of the many warrior weapons against the dark. I am letting you know the rules have changed it is now up to the Spiritually Conscious to never deal with any of this energy again or even entertain it, and I promise you ~ if you look it your life it is there somewhere. Spiritual Ethics (which are new) now say the right thing to do is Leave this alone, let it go, clear it out, kill it off (matter of speaking) detox it, relinquish it whatever. Just don't carry it into 2011 or 2012.

There will be an invaluable amount of honesty from people now, all for your growth, careful it's now criticism again you will have to decipher. Your friends will be extremely honest in the best of your interest. Meditation, Zen Time, (which could be your working out, music, art, poetry) will be important, one note on this. Make sure it is for you and no one else first and foremost so it would be strictly creative, it may make you money later on, but it will be purely channeled. Many more people will step into the role of Healers, Spiritualists, Psychic's, etc. I am so happy that there are movies not being made in Hollywood by superb directors and actors on the lives of Psychic's. It makes me feel like people will finally understand things with me at a much deeper level than I was able to explain. I've been so "In It" for so much of my life that I just couldn't explain any of what I have gone through, dealt with, learned, endured etc. I can tell you for sure I never really had a normal life even if at times it looked like it on the outside it really never was on the inside. I now can finally acknowledge my gifts, my blessings in my differentness, which was so hard to accept in my childhood and growing up. I think on some level we all just want to be understood and belong - two things that were excluded in my childhood in exchange for my incredible learning and understanding.

So October a time to "Glow & Grow" in your own right, a time for your now newly learned unconditional love to step up (it won't be easy in some cases). Sultry, Sexy Creative Energy, without any kind of Rhyme or Reason things will evolve right before your eyes, I Love This :). Two things on this energy, you cannot be selfish and you cannot be arrogant. The selfishness I am referring to is not sharing yourself with the world, in other words brooding, withholding and being depressed instead of allowing what you have to offer be your guiding force. You can have a bad day, it's when it's everyday all day that you need to pay attention. No one can do this for you and quite frankly we've moved into a different kind of collaboration as humans so no one will really be paying attention due to the most important fact ~ we will all be too busy. Arrogance will not serve either in other words,

We all are doing amazing things ~ no one is single handedly "Saving the World" or.. you know what I'm saying try not to get resentful at times about your purpose and the path you chose. We are Sprinkles in beautiful different colors and our own unique make-up making up that big beautiful Ice cream cone. So Humility is a must have amidst the Itinerary for the World Now.

At times out in the world it will look like people are all in their own bubble ~ in some ways they will be because of learning how to decipher the different energies, protect themselves and stay focused. It will be surreal but we are now living amidst chaos and truly able to navigate our course. You cannot hid out even if you want to or even think you fooling people ~ agenda's will be very apparent and most likely in they are from the old energy ~ not tolerated. Patience is in a new form not for wasting it on useless energy or things that are non-productive will come clear very quickly. So a lot of things have been switched up that you will have to pay attention to energy wise as the rules have changed. One hint I can give you ~ energy now takes an organic course (not prefabricated, or used to cover up people's cover-ups) If you allow you eyes to see ~ you will and you will feel empowered- not confused or frustrated. If you are confused or frustrated let it roll out and unravel a little bit, then address it in a different way almost like those pictures (I don't know what they're called) but if you look at them one way you something, and if you stare long enough you see something else. you can work with the energy that way to.

Women will continue to bring the feminine force in ~ in a power and support in their different ways of beauty feminity, and grace. Women will support Men in finally stepping into their power which will require honoring the Goddess in Women. Finally Ladies We have arrived, and Men will not be dissappointed at all.

Love to You All KimLoveMuse

To be Continued…

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

September Energy Notes*

September Energy Notes*

by Kimlovemuse's Energy Notes on Tuesday, September 7, 2010 at 12:46am

September ~ It's come so fast, it was just January. Alot has changed in your life if you look over the Winter, Spring, Summer and now the fall ~ a time for Harvest.

This is a time for review & reflection but it will be admidst the backdrop of chaos..things make not all make sense yet, you don't have all the answers yet, your not quite where you want to be yet, the picture does seem complete for your year~

Where is your heart and have you healed your life~

Have you let go of the past, have you let go of your illusions and have you become present in your everyday life~

September will be a time of gearing up for a faster pace of life while putting the pieces of the puzzle together for the new

you and your new life.

While everything is moving and changing which may even include residence, you will still need to plan your projects,

and when you will finish them. Schedules will be Spring for alot of people and alot of completing projects. Timing will be key on launching them as well.

Between now and January you will finish up and complete alot.

Most of us have left behind drama and are free to create and develop our new paths. New people, new trails, new projects collaborating with alot of new faces in your life and some old faces with your renewed relationships.

September is a time to be in your heart fully from now on..weve crossed the bridge and come into unconditional love.

There is a lightness and a freedom to this and with it will come a feeling of inner peace even though not everything is in place as you might want it to be. There is an acceptance of allowing things to unfold while minding the details of timing yet

enjoying the people around you and appreciating friendships, love, and family .

Days will feel different now~ productive, light, inspired of course, not every day but alot more than you have been used to.

Small issues won't upset you ~ as they will be trivial in contrast to the big picture. People will be alot more patient and understanding of people's time as everyone may be somewhat overwhelmed - happily in their productive lives.

We have come very far and made great strides~ look around your life and the people you know. Look at how much they have endured, and come through with their Spirit in tact with Love, Creativity and wanting to make a difference on the planet.

Look at how much you have been supported, and how you have supported people in your life ~ Appreciate that fact. We have unbelievable hearts, spirits, and strength.

Healers are now healing other healers because there has been such a shift and we were tired, almost unwilling to go on.

Helping and assisting the human race is a huge job and responsibilty but we have shifted into Responsible Beings happily.

We will continue to heal and contribute in our daily lives to whomever comes across our path. We will be discerning with our time and our energy but give generously and fully with whom we share our time and gifts.

Continue to grow spiritually in whatever that means for you and however your path opens to you. Prayer, Meditation, Dance, Song, Poetry, Writing, Speaking, in whatever brings you joy that will inspire those around you.

Acupunture, Massage, Healers, Cleanses, Fasts will all be very common in our lives at this time.

We have come into a time when truth will be prominent in our conversations. There will still be Earth Changes, Government

issues, Retrogrades, and people who have not come into consciousness but we will deal with all of this differntly because we are different - we are Awake, Strong, Inspired, Taking Care of Ourselves and others. We've come into a better World as we have come into ourselves in full force. Love Prevails*

September will also be a time of reviewing relationships deeply and what your truth is with Love & Peace in your heart.

With Love, Light & Happiness


Saturday, August 7, 2010

August Energy Notes - Moving Out & Up*

August - already ..I know I posted some notes already but here are more updates..

August will feel like your head is swirling a million miles an an hour! It's summer however everyone is on their hustle in their heads, hearts and bodies. A million projects you've started, and um the ones you haven't even started. Try to finish the ones you've started - that's what I'm trying to do, before I start the others. Lots of people, lots of distractions, lot's of stuff to do and so much social activity.. so choose where what you want to be using your energy for.

If you feel like your being left behind - you are. In some way shape or form by someone or something in your life - wait before you panic ..think about that. It's means everyone is on the move including you soo ..certain things, people, places will have to go. The Energy is dispursing
like a star blowing up. It's natural really , a new life cycle so you've got to move into your soul's purpose right now.

August has a mercury retrograde which thankfully will give us a chance to breathe and reevaluate redo, rethink all the chaos that rolled out the first week. It's hectic and the energy has been moving fast. You might need a moment to go off by yourself and chill out, look into your heart and then learn to be in your heart amongst the world. It takes some practice but it really helps to know what you want and need in every moment. The truth will roll out of your mouth if you practice this.

We're moving into our New Worlds while wrapping up the loose ends before our visions unfold in the fall/winter of this year. If it doesn't look like anything yet - don't panic just do the work everyday to move towards what you want. I constantly fight myself because I procrastinate ugh it's frustrating! so I have my friends to remind me when I'm slacking..sometime I wish I could push a magic button and have everything come together, but then I wouldn't have to sit with myself everyday to observe and learn at each moment who I am.

There are great insights to be found out about yourself and your behavior to learn move and create ..sometimes very uncomfortable yet so enlightenning. Don't get down on yourself - observe and learn..(try not to talk to yourself in the street) lol.

Relationships** Interesting times. If your not a person that is very open - you will be forced to open! This is on many many levels. If you've been hiding - you will be seen. If you need to be more freedom oriented - you will be tested, if you want more freedom you will be tested. It will all come down to honesty - honesty will be the only way to have great relationships with yourself and others. Progressive will be the key word. Growth is a huge factor in every human beings life.

If you can let your loves be, unless it's hurting you - then let them be, and tend to yourself to make sure that your are happy & fulfilled in your own right. Don't worry about making mistakes here - You will for sure until you start to get the feel for the New Energies.

More Action - Less Talk

Let people know how you feel, tell them creative about it - there are so many fun cool ways and it makes everything just a little more Interesting*


Wednesday, June 30, 2010

July Energy Notes -No Turning Back

So, feeling any different ? If you think nothing is happening - don't kid yourself - everything is different even if you can't see it all in high definition ...yet

You can run, but you can't hide by now you have made some serious changes, if not get on it.
It's July - already. Time is flying...even in the slow days of summer. None of our productivity has slowed down..projects abound, including yourself.

Everything should start to feel won't see it so you need to stay in your heart. Trust & have faith at the moment. You are learning to live a completely different way by living in your truth for you and you alone. Have you noticed there are no buffers anymore in speaking your truth- all the filters are gone. Things will balance out with people, however at the moment everyone is blurting their truths's kind of funny but unsettling at the same time.

We have all faced really hard truths, and there is no turning back. and trust me it's not worth the pain. We have been shot out of our cannons..cages uncovered it's like we are flying through the air looking at the landscape with not a clue where we are going to land. We are navigating on faith, courage & truth. Keep doing what feels right and speaking what feels right.

At the moment it's only a feeling of where we will land, and that will be this fall. You need to start learning silent lanuage- what are people really saying, and address the issues openly and honestly-not your expectations or denial of what you want to hear or what you are pushing people to be. Some friends will grow closer, some will fall away - still..this will be an ongoing process as we learn to live in our truth and in unconditional love. This will keep everything moving like a fresh clear clean river.

Don't worry about the outcome of situations at the moment..have patience we are still in flux..just flux at a new level lol. Think about how you measure up to the life you are now requiring for yourself. Get your own rythmn down, the ebb and flow of your life your pace.
Think & feel through everything you want down to the detail and keep it safe in your heart.

We are adjusting to the new energies while wanting to feel safe and be comforted. Best place to go-inside yourself.

Now onto my favorite topic : Love & Relationships

We are all working and striving soo hard! Amazing how talented we are. Our scars from our battle wounds are still apparent but it's different now - really. We no longer crave what is difficult, drama, or unnecessary. We have come to the shore of True Real Relationships.
Because We are now true & real. Some of us are still cleaning up some messes..divorces, breakups etc..but it's over. It's time for genuine true love..unfortuntately it's a different fairy-tale lol. Our other fairy tales ended in tradegy..because there is no fairy tale. Love and relationships will now be stronger than ever as partnerships. We will work in our everyday lives to make a better world. Men will father us when we need fathering, as well as love us as women. Women will mother men when they need mothering, and we will love our men. We will love from every angle to be complete whole people. Alot of our helplessness comes from the wounds of our mothers & fathers ie: all the crazy but necessary relationships we have had to learn from. We will love more than one person while choosing to be mangamous. Jealousy is out the window - stifles creativity and authenticity along with progressive growth. Balance is the key, kindness is the key, love is the key. Jealousy will have your relationship dissintegrate right before your eyes.

New or Renewed Relationships are where we are going next. Let whatever feels like it was a lifetime ago- go. New Horizons are under way.

July will be sort of stop and go as we get our plans into action for August, September we will be relying on other people so be patient as we now are going into joint ventures, collaborations etc. Do your part and let people have the time they need to bring their part to the table (of course within reason).

Center & Ground in your own heart - the more you try to grab on to anything - the more it will disappear. The more certain you are of the outcome - the more unpredictable and uncertain it will be. Everything is very unpredictable at the moment. Mother Earth is going to rock & shake. Learn to navigate bravely and calmly through the chaos.

Pray for the Gulf..*

Love to All of you


Tuesday, June 1, 2010

June Energy Notes*

Transitioning from May into June was a bit stormy and uncomfortable fitting in our new skins. It will take a minute for this Energy to settle in so if your feeling like your mind has been erased - it is all just the new energy coming in. Our pasts are gone, done - finito. It is a whole new game now we just have not met the new players and we don't know all the rules. These times will require you to be very "open" and very "attuned".

Have you noticed how uncomfortable it has been the past week or so..this is only the beginning. You have to step out. It is inevitable now, so you might as well grab the zip line.
The only place you will be comfortable is in the uncomfortabilty of it all.

There has been some big shifts so I will try to explain them one by one. I will also let you know where the "safety" is in all these shifts.

The Big Ride has begun. Uranus the Planet of shock, revolution, electricity has moved into the sign of Aries. It was in Pisces which is ruled by Neptune (which rules water) the oil spill occurred at the end of this transit.

Aries is ruled by the planet Mars The God of War ..Uranus and Mars do not play well together so you can expect an element of "explosiveness" and sudden endings. This can mean more explosions ie: pay attention in crowds for bombs, fighting, gunfire etc, and possibly arguments or endings with some people in your life. Volcanos will be erupting don't be alarmed it's part of the purification process of the Earth shifting along with more earthquakes. Be careful in the Sun as it will now be stronger than ever. Drink plenty of water and stay as balanced as you can which will require discipline. Be as chill as you can when driving especially for us in LA with so much Road Rage.

On a positive note this will be an amazing time of innovation, pioneering, authenticity and very very creative projects with alot of power behind them. For the enlightened this will be a confusing, uncomfortable, exciting times. You cannot sit idle now - you must figure out your purpose here on earth and take action. You will begin to discover amazing things about yourself, you will not know parts of's ok you will discover everything you need as you go along - in other words, you do not need to know everything before you begin.

If you are feeling like you want to start something and, have no idea why or how..just begin it and it will unfold before your bravery & boldness. Bravery will be required amidst the Chaos.
Did you hear me - Bravery will now be required amidst the chaos. You will need to find your own comfort zone to flow and navigate through while keeping your eyes and your spirit wide open.

Astrologers are saying that we are going into a New Era and that the 60's were nothing compared to what we are about to witness. You can only do your best to navigate through these times.

If you feel like it's time to move - then move, if you feel like it's time to work on your own psychic ability then start, reading, learning, studying, tapping into old memories of you abilities and gifts then do it. It can only help you and those around you. You will not be able to predict alot that is going to happen so being in the moment will be one of your strongest protections. Being in your own skin, your own light, your own integrity will be the safest place to be. There is nothing to hold onto now. Do not be attached to anything let space move through your relationships and through your life with clear honest communication and intention.

June into the end of the year will be a mixed bag, learn to tap into your own feelings, intuition, and instincts it would be very beneficial to you. I have a feeling it will be a very hot summer in every way. If you feel there are volitile people around - steer clear. Be in touch with you emotions and whatever you do...don't stuff it down and not speak up. Communication in new ways must happen. People will see right through ego, lies, and facades. Patience will lack, and anger will be prominent in our bodies. Work out, Zen out get massages, steams, meditate do whatever make you happy in a decompression mode and that will assist you i channeling your power and strength. I write this for you as well as reminding myself.

Drink lots of water, stock up on water, eat well, take super care of your nervous systems women and men. Aries people keep your head about you, Aquarians pay attention to where your going.

Be as true to yourself as you can, have real support and real friends around you as there will be confusing times coming and you will need to be reminded of who you are.

Educate yourselves, read up on Edgar Cayce without freaking out , keep a positive head, send Love as hard as it is to those who don't get it or who are incapable. Many things will be upsetting and unsettled remember to have fun ..throw dinner parties, live, laugh and most of all Love the People around you that make a difference in your life and keep you on solid ground - within yourself. Change is Upon Us. Stay Safe & Strong in your own Beautiful Strong, Gifted Beings as we can accomplish much.

With Love, Prayer & Light for all of us.


Monday, May 10, 2010

May Energy Notes

For most of April I felt like I was on a "hoverboard" you know the thingie in the movie "Back to the Future" that they flew around on.

On Wednesday Mercury goes direct - this particular Retrograde was fascinating to me as I could not tell half the time where I was. One minute I was in my past, then I blinked and got a glimpse of my future. As everything seems to be weaving itself together in our lives past, present and future to discover what we Value most in our lives.

We have been forced to clean-up, step up, step backwards, step foward all at the same time. If you haven't noticed..everything seems to be UP IN YOUR FACE. What you've done, what you haven't done, what you've said, what you haven't said and what you need to say what your doing and most of all where your going, and the style in which you are going. We are all now our own Masterpieces and will go back and render whatever patience we need with ourselves. What a beautiful thing that is. Make sure you take some down time through all the incredible changes coming up. Be patient with other people as well.

Things will now be Very Very different. We have had since January time to fall apart, freak out, spin out, live through our chaos, confusion, guilt, pain tears anger,frustration and review our lives several times over as well as become aware of what a very different place Planet Earth has become.

We now have 50 projects we are working on (well maybe not 50, but it feels like it!) time has sped up, what is demanded of us and of ourselves -well let's just say the bar has been raised for what we want for ourselves, the people we love and our beloved planet. Much collaboration will be happening now if a very new way. Dealing with people will feel very different and I am pretty sure new friendships have been forged ,while others have had to been let go, or put somewhere in the background of your life for the moment as we have so much to accomplish.

I am sure you can feel the change in the air as well as feel the changes within yourself as you move foward. It almost looks like a movie that your in..sometimes slow motion and sometimes really fast paced, sometimes surreal and other times it couldn't feel more right.

We are still moving steadily (although it may not feel like it everyday) but more so that not
into our new skins, new how many lives change between now and June. We still need to learn to navigate intuitively as we move through our lives as the old rules no longer apply. If you don't believe me - keep doing things the same way as you did- you won't get far. The energy just won't cooperate.

As April seemed confusing it was necessary to be thrown into everything at once even if it was just in your head, for some it was their lives. So much has happened that you will probably not be able to comprehend it all. You are probably saying while scratching your head "What happened in April". Alot of decisions that have not yet come to fruition were made. Alot of cleaning out of the "Psyche" was happening in April while you had to be on the move at every moment.

May- will be a month of Focus & Action. Things you have started will start to roll-out in May
but it will require deep focus and holding the reins Steady..things you have put off - or that you daydreamed about will now need action and trust it won't feel altogether (that's why the steadiness is needed) May will feel smoother after the 11th give or take a few days, but that does not mean if will be any less busy - it won't. May will require you to be on top of your game in every area of your life. Don't waste your energy on the trivial whatever that means to you.

Our Hearts will feel different in May, Our beings will feel different, new places, new beginnings. Exciting yet grounded yer nothing will be full form. Newness is in the air.
Change has begun in you and around you.

New Homes, new partnerships, new loves, all NEW Beginnings with a feeling of..This is where I belonged in the First Place!

The deep sadness you felt in April was you becoming "Unpinned" from your Old Life, and of what doesn't work anymore. None of us will do our lives the same as we did before. It will be like waking up in a dream that has now become real. A sigh of relief, with a deep sense of sadness to say goodbye to the life you once knew.

People, Places, Experiences, Pains, Hurts, Betrayals..all that stuff no longer valid. It helped make you who you are, but now it will be a distant memory as people move foward and Speak their Truth as they walk through their life equipped with full knowledge of their mistakes, and how not to make them again.

You will speak & act from your heart. You won't be able to do it any other way. I am not sure
I can explain why or even why the timing is the way it is. Just know that everything is in Divine Order I know that sounds like a "cliche" but if you trust and really feel this you will understand what I am talking about. You will lose touch with people, you will be busy forging your Destiny- all of us will. It's hard but try to love people through this. We are all here to make the best of our lives and contribute what we want and need too all according to our own timing and paths. People that are meant to stay in your life - will live in your heart and others will move on to do what they need to do. Please know there will things revealed with regard to people you know that will actually give you a better understanding of your own life at this time. Answers to questions you have had for years will just show up.

Unconditional Love - is probably one of the hardest lessons I have had to learn but at this point what choice do we have? It makes me feel better to know that all people that I love are striving and becoming the Truest of themselves that they can be and I feel like they we are walking together yet separate - even if you don't see them or talk to them alot. I still love them, and people who have fallen off track in their lives - well it is their path who am I to judge what is theirs, I can only try to gain a greater understanding within myself from my experience of the moment in time that we had.

Everyone one of us live alone within ourselves and together in the World. Authenticity and standing in your own Truth will only make your relationships stronger. This is not and has not been an easy road for any of us to come into our own understanding with. However it is my belief that it has not only awakened our Human Spirits to a Much higher level, it has intensified our gifts, our compassion, humility and Love to heights beyond our recognition.


Sunday, April 11, 2010

April Energy Notes Update - Earthquakes

I have been receiving a lot of phone calls asking me about the Earthquakes that seem to be happening almost every other day now.

I decided to see if I could go in to Mother Earth and connect with her, so I did a meditation before I went to sleep. Since I am able to connect with people, places on a psychic level I went down deep into the ocean floor (where I was guided).

Within minutes I was crying and felt an overwhelming sadness..surprised at my reaction I kept at it..with tears and sadness this is the information I received:

We are not in partnership with our Planet..We have been so busy with "ourselves" Our anger, our drama that we cannot even feel what is really going on..

This is part of the reason for all of us working so hard on "Getting Rid of OUR Funky stuff" we have collected from abuses and anger passed on from people in our lives. Once you come to a place of Love - you can actually feel the Planet and what is happening.

I asked where will the next Earthquake occur? The information I received was "Where The Whales Gather".

I started researching where do Whales gather? I didn't come up with much..then after a few days realized...Whales gather in the water..they are the holder and keepers of the Akashic Records - Sacred Animals since the beginning of time. They hold all our Soul's information as well as all of Humanity's.

All the Earthquakes are taking place on the Ocean floor, thus leaving it impossible to predict.
Water is such a powerful force. My feeling is as the Glaciers melt it is causing strong activity under the ocean which in turn is activating the tectonic seems everywhere.

It is up to get off our Dramas, and start really taking care of this planet and becoming partner's with our planet. Get into Partnership with yourself & our planet.

When you go to bed at night say a prayer for yourself, your loved ones, and the planet.
We need to wake up. We have been so selfish in thinking only of our lives and not what is happening around us. The planet is shaking us up to take care of our Ocean, and all living creatures.

I write this not to alarm you, but to encourage you, and to help educate you on what we need to do.

I think we need to take it up a notch on Healing the Planet.

More on the Akashic Records later when I have some intelligent information to share with you. I was led to the Whales so I will keep researching this ,and post whatever information I receive.

Any comments are welcome.

Love Kimberly

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Energy Notes April "Through the Time Tunnel"

Time is a funny brings people closer, and further apart. some of us may not know just how much we really live in someone's heart. You will come to know this more and more as 2010 unfolds.

April will be a whirlwind. It will be exciting because whatever we were thinking of back in December, January, February and part of March is now being put into action. Everyone is waking up to their truest selves, which can only mean one thing..true lifestyles, work, and loves.

We have officially stepped into unconditional love..think about that for there is so much freedom in that. With freedom, comes beauty & authenticity. We are not through the time tunnel yet though. Almost, but not quite until May or June. We are in the process of huge healings from the past 10 years. That is alot of stuff to unload. We are in the thick of it right now while transitioning into new surroundings.

April is a month of responsibilty and healing. Responsibility to clean up relationships, and any messes that need to be cleaned up from 2009, (remember that year), although clean ups should not be difficult and will flow fairly easy. It is a month of healing your body and your soul to begin your new life and shape our new world, (and your world).

We will be busy, and on the move. Expect lots of communication, events, and running around.

On the relationship front you can see how towards the end of March the energy shifted to a faster pace, and it's only moving faster. People that ended relationships should be well over that relationship now, and moving towards brighter horizens either in their head, or actually in
pursuing something (someone) different. People will have moved on, and accepted things in their lives with grace and ease. The drama has been removed both in our beings and our relationships. Look back remember the drama frenzies? They were not for nothing, they were for us to learn and understand, grow and evolve into better human beings. Holding a grudge will only hold you back, let go, say goodbye and just move foward. Some things will just be erased with time.

This is why I call April's Energy Notes "Through the Time Tunnel".
"The Time Tunnel" we are almost through the tunnel and on the other side is a whole other story. The one you've dreamed of, hoped for, longed for.

Whatever you can do to heal through the fast pace of April do it. Yoga, reike, acupunture, steams, saunas, massages, journaling, journeying any form of healing that suits you, learn to incorporate it into your daily or at least weekly schedule.

People in your life that are supposed to with you - will be, and no matter how far away, or how frequent or infrequently you speak - no one can break that bond. We will all be meeting up with new people as well because we are shifting our new lives. Freedom with Love is key. You have to let people "do their thing" and continue to love them. Everyone will be off creating their own little world amidst the big world to bring their gifts and what they love and hold close to their hearts to the front.

These are amazing times we are living in. One last thing, whatever you not compare your "pace" to someone else's not only will you miss your rythm, but you will lose sight of your own path. Some people are ahead, others are really doesn't matter, but I will say this -I learn and listen from the one's ahead of me, and I teach and show compassion to the one's that are behind. We all just need to help. I see the lines in people's positions fading, and counting on and paying attention to their character and who they are. Your body will let you know who you want to deal with, and who you don't. Pay attention to your energy, and other's energy as well.

The energy seems to be very faced paced, sometimes it zig zags, and other times its flowing nevertheless it's moving. Remember to show Love through your pace. Afterall isn't that what we are her for?

I will most likely be adding the these notes throughout April, so check back with me.

With Love, Strength & Clarity

Tuesday, March 2, 2010


You must have noticed by now..the shift that I've been talking about - well everyone has been talking about...It is just starting to show itself. The Mars Retrograde has been the backdrop and the theme of our Winter Season. Since December we have been frustrated in trying to move things foward as we assimilated our new beings into our old/new lives. Always able to see the new life and excited while trying to finish up all the old unfinished biz of 2009. 2010 is officially about to start!!

We have been (hopefully you have) cleaning out, clearing out...old behaviors, old relationships that no longer serve you, old business, old wardrobe..basically everything up to 2009 is now expired unless you have renewed it, breathed fresh life into it, or resurrected it (out of your own choice)..otherwise say whatever you decided to let go of in 2009.

You are about to step into your New Life--I'm sure your feeling it - if your not that you've not been doing the work. On a physical level people are renewing there bodies, on a spiritual level people are opening up to unconditional love- the only kind of love there is. We just had to go through all the drama to know what depth of love we could you could know for yourself. Drama is wll not return or repeat any relationships that resemble that even a little bit. Honor & embrace your freedom (even if you are in a relationship) authenticity will be front & center. Jealousy is no longer relevant, neither is will not tolerate it if anyone shows up with that behavior. I know for me my body won't even allow myself to re-act - I just walk away, and never look back. A few years ago that would have been a very different story for me. We have all gone through tremendous pain & suffering over the past ten years...I mean really.

Now as March 10th rolls in and you roll out- you literally will feel very comfortable in your new skin that will feel like this was your skin all along. Everything will have a sense of ease..your old life will feel like a lifetime ago. Pain will be a distant memory although you my feel like it happened might remember it..but you will no longer feel it.

A strange thing we have all been shifting on a physical level..I can't really explain it, but you will feel it and know what I'm talking about. We have let go of density and have become light bodies (that is why there is no more drama) a light body cannot physically hold it.

Pay attention to the first two weeks ..right after March 10th..slowly roll out..pace yourself don't try to jump out of the gate and accomplish everything. You will however, see a very significant change in your life. It will be so apparent. If you are reading this and saying shit - I haven't done the work and I still do not know where I am going. Get on it now - not necessarily in where your going, but in cleaning everything up. You have to get on this ..Pronto*** you will have a little bit of time during April - but not much really.

Things are about to take off- it will be exciting & unpredictable so do not become attached to anything. Understand it and appreciate all it has to offer. Stay in the moment with people & relationships..we never know.

Energetically...women have to balance themselves (hormonally) the earth is shifting. (I will talk more on this ) Men - come back into balance - you've shifted to far into the need to regain their instincts - that is what is sexy..I know it's hard in LA lol.
We all need to be Yin & Yang complete unto ourselves in order for us to work well on the planet with everyone. Not only will people be meeting up with New Love - Real Love..the collaboration between people on projects will astound you. No one will be working will be very "Libran" many people, many projects. Amazing work will come through us this year. This is truly an exiciting time to be on the planet...and yes - it will be a wild ride..nothing tame about it!

On another note..I am not a scientist, however my theory on the earth changes is this..
I get alot of Psychic hits about the glaciers melting (at a very fast rate)..I don't think the world is ending, nor would I ever be such an asshole to think I would even know. In my humble opinion (my opinion) the water levels are rising in the oceans..think of a tank where the waves would wash back and forth with great force...not only would this throw the Rhythm off, but it would with great force have the earth start to wobble as the Poles got knocked out off their axis ad for the tectonic plates in the ocean to be disturbed. The frequencies are all over the place..sealife is confused and are having problems with finding their way..Sea turtles are getting knocked off course, whales, dolphins, sea name it Nature is revealing some issues. Dolphins should be paid close attention to.

It will get frustrating with people on the planet still trying to run game with their same ol f***** up behavior. Please try not to pay attention or keep movin on - seriously....You Cannot Save Anyone Now...beleive me - I was the Queen of saving..(what can I say healers try to save everyone) until I was left bleeding and almost for dead..(not literally- well) anyway...No more's over. You have to become connected with your Warrior Spirit True Compassion, that means cutting off heads - if need be. Everyone is responsible for themselves..Liars, Vampires, Manipulators, Freaks, Psychos, Users, Narcissists & Joy Thieves..will all have to go play on another island, and kill each other...people who have been through as most of us have know exactly what I mean. People who are in the vibration of love cannot/willnot be affected by these people anymore.

People with heart will be too busy bringing their gifts to the world, colloborating with other people to help bring thier gifts to the frankly um..make a better world. Don't know what to do with yourself? lost? confused? Make a better world - contribute-simple.
You will need to take care physically psychically - yes psychically - alot more telepathy and psychic ability will be available and very apparent especially in children.

Diets will be cleaner, living spaces more open..lighter. We will be on-top of our lives in every now you can see why you won't want anyone pulling you off track or course.
The rest of the time you will be laughing, playing or enjoying your life.. I feel like we will be much more physical - dance, yoga, martial arts..etc.

Relationships will be lighter - like a breath of fresh air, unconditional love will mean you can love lots of people (and still be monogamous if you choose) which I beleive there will be great partnerships. I feel like once people sink into their own beautiful skin..there will be alot less nuerosis on the planet as well, You will be centered and feel safe and at peace with your unpredictable as this precious gift can be.

Lots of Love,
Kimberly/aka KimLoveMuse