The Energy of August is super potent. The Sign of Jupiter left the side of quiet emotional Cancer and shifted into fiery Leo.
We have all been witnessing the increase of drama not only on the world stage, but it will surely be playing out in our own lives.
Super High Drama scenarios which have been pent up for almost a year will come to the forefront.
Leo rules the heart and creative self expression, however it also rules territories, and ego. You must pay attention to self expression, and
your heart, Stay in the vibration of Love as much as you can. Things are going to move very very fast. The year of the horse is now on the move, Time is
going by so fast it will make your head spin.
August energy has a kind of return home to ourselves feel. We are all coming full circle to what is truly important to us in our lives, this will
start a trend of people making big residential moves and for a lot of us that means overseas. People will now go where they feel settled, safe and at home.
There will be a lot very creative projects coming to the forefront, labours of love if you will. There will be second chances with people as the past, present, and future
all weaving themselves together and blurring the lines of time. Many reconciliations and "Do Overs" in relationships will come about. People have been working on themselves so second chances will come into play with past loves, marriages, as well as many new marriages. People are going to want to be partnered up, and less alone. Sexiness will make a comeback finally's been underground for awhile. Actually the whole first half of 2014.
People will and are taking on a new Spiritual responsibility, with the deep understanding that it is now up to us and how we would like things to go. People are getting hip to everything they are being lied to in the world. No one can be in denial anymore and you are, well, then your either numb, or you don't have a heart, or it's been so shut down you are unable to feel. Stay away from people that do not feel anything, they will be dangerous to your spirit.
A lot of the Crystalline people who are extremely sensitive have been experiencing excruciating loneliness. The loneliness has been unbearable , this should start to
ease up. This is the end of cycle and the beginning of a new one. You really have to live from your soul now if you have not been. These times will be for the Brave hearts.
If you have not done any "inner Child" healing now would be the time to do this. healing your inner child with mediation, and rewriting some past events will help you
so much at this time. (if you have questions on this just inbox me). Healing your past is extremely important for moving on and forward now, I'm sure a lot of you have noticed your eating lighter, maybe even just doing juices on some days. This is because we have been processing all out emotions since last September, and now we are becoming "light bodies" less food, more nutrition, less drama, more productivity, less stuff, more functional. Lighter in every way.
Our lives have been scaled down, so that we are freer and clearer. Try to stay light because we are all going to be mobile, and global more so now, then ever before.
Be ready to move in a split second, and be ready to live in more than one location. A lot of us have been training for this for years without realising it.
This month is a great time to prepare, clean up, and be clear about what creative projects that have been sitting in your heart need some love care and expression. Love will be everything Love to yourself, Love to others. We have come to the end of times, and the beginning of a new time.
Energy wise, conserve your energy with using for only what is important to you, and using it to maintain your focus. The world is different now. There is an undertone of uncertainty, anxiety, and deep concern. You must pay attention to everything your doing, where you are, and what is happening around you and in your environment. The world is split and you need to stay very very present.
Write a letter to yourself on your accomplishments, who you are, and whatever is important for YOU to communicate to You.
Write a letter to someone you have wanted to write to for along time. Again this is for anything that is deeply troubling you that needs to be expressed.
Apologize to people you feel you've hurt and forgive them and yourself.
Write whatever you want, don't worry about what someone else may think.
Self Expression is the key to everything, as well as staying in the present moment.
On world events: Expect more earth changes, as well as economical challenges and changes. Pray stay in the light and do everything you can to take care of yourself. 2014 through 2016 is what is called the "seed" years. We are in a time in history that is unnerving, confusing, challenging and chaotic all of which has to happen simultaneously with exciting. brilliant, shifts in mankind, I know it looks ugly, and scary, but you must also find the beauty in yourself, in others, and in moments,
if you remember we are all ONE, we all come from the same Source, the only thing you can do is be as true to yourself as you possibly can, Be honest wit people
and pay attention to undercurrents and address them ahead of time, don't let things just sit..communicate.
Energy is everything, vibration, frequency is something you can experiment with yourself everyday. If you feel down, thing of something good, happy and jump into that energy, throw yourself into and you will see your body will follow the energy. It takes practice. Mediation & Prayer are not just things to do now, they are essential in
navigating yourself, your family and your loved ones through these immensely intense ever-changing times.
Love & Light God Bless Us All
Pray for Palestine, Isreal, and all the wrongs of the world. The innocents of this world that are dying are and sacrificing their souls so
that we, us, mankind will wake up. Pray for everyone even your enemies as it will raise the vibration to bring in more love and light
Please Pray for the World.
With So Much Love
1 comment:
Nice blog.....this is useful for those who is looking for Energy Report. Keep Sharing such information blog.
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