Sunday, August 3, 2014


The Energy of August is super potent.  The Sign of Jupiter left the side of quiet emotional Cancer and  shifted into fiery Leo.  
We have all been witnessing the increase of drama not only on the world stage, but it will surely be playing out in our own lives.
Super High Drama scenarios which have been pent up for almost a year will come to the forefront.

Leo rules the heart and creative self expression, however it also rules territories,  and ego. You must pay attention to self expression, and
your heart,  Stay in the vibration of  Love as much as you can.  Things are going to move very very fast.  The year of the horse is now on the move, Time is 
going by so fast it will make your head spin.

August energy has a kind of return home to ourselves feel.  We are all coming full circle to what is truly important to us in our lives, this will
start a trend of people making big residential moves and for a lot of us that means overseas.  People will now go where they feel settled, safe and at home.

There will be a lot  very creative projects coming to the forefront, labours of love if you will.  There will be second chances with people as the past, present, and future 
all weaving themselves together and blurring the lines of time.  Many reconciliations and "Do Overs" in relationships will come about. People have been working on themselves so second chances will come into play with past loves, marriages, as well as many new marriages.  People are going to want to be partnered up, and less alone.  Sexiness will make a comeback finally's been underground for awhile.  Actually the whole first half of 2014.

People will and are taking on a new Spiritual responsibility,  with the deep understanding that it is now up to us and  how we would like things to go.  People are getting hip to everything they are being lied to in the world.  No one can be in denial anymore and you are, well, then your either numb, or you don't have a heart,  or it's been so shut down you are unable to feel.  Stay away from people that do not feel anything, they will be dangerous to your spirit.

A lot of the Crystalline people who are extremely sensitive have been experiencing excruciating loneliness.  The loneliness has been unbearable , this should start to
ease up.  This is the end of  cycle and the beginning of a new one.  You really have to live from your soul now if you have not been.   These times will be for the Brave hearts.

If you have not done any "inner Child" healing  now would be the time to do this.  healing your inner child with mediation, and rewriting some past events will help you
so much at this time. (if you have questions on this just inbox me).  Healing your past is extremely important for moving on and forward now,  I'm sure a lot of you have noticed your eating lighter, maybe even just doing juices on some days.  This is because we have been processing all out emotions since last September, and now we are becoming "light bodies" less food, more nutrition, less drama, more productivity, less stuff, more functional. Lighter in every way.

Our lives have been scaled down, so that we are freer and clearer.  Try to stay light because we are all going to be mobile, and global more so now, then ever before.
Be ready to move in a split second, and be ready to live in more than one location.  A lot of us have been training for this for years without realising it.  

This month is a great time to prepare, clean up, and be clear about what creative projects that have been sitting in your heart need some love care and expression.  Love will be everything Love to yourself, Love to others.  We have come to the end of times, and the beginning of a new time.

Energy wise, conserve your energy with using for only what is important to you, and using it to maintain your focus.  The world is different now.  There is an undertone of uncertainty, anxiety, and deep concern.  You must pay attention to everything your doing, where you are, and what is happening around you and in your environment.  The world is split and you need to stay very very present.

Write a letter to yourself on your accomplishments, who you are, and whatever is important for YOU to communicate to You.
Write a letter to someone you have wanted to write to for along time. Again this is for anything that is deeply troubling you that needs to be expressed.
Apologize to people you feel you've hurt and forgive them and yourself.
Write whatever you want, don't worry about what  someone else may think.
Self Expression is the key to everything, as well as staying in the present moment.

On world events:  Expect more earth changes, as well as economical  challenges and changes.  Pray stay in the light and do everything you can to take care of yourself.  2014 through 2016 is what is called the "seed" years.  We are in a time in history that is unnerving, confusing, challenging and chaotic all of which has to happen simultaneously with exciting. brilliant, shifts in mankind,  I know it looks ugly, and scary, but you must also find the beauty in yourself, in others, and in moments,
if you remember we are all ONE, we all come from the same Source, the only thing you can do is be as true to yourself as you possibly can,  Be honest wit people
and pay attention to undercurrents and address them ahead of time, don't let things just sit..communicate.

Energy is everything, vibration, frequency is something you can experiment with yourself everyday.  If you feel down, thing of something good, happy and jump into that energy, throw yourself into and you will see your body will follow the energy.  It takes practice.  Mediation & Prayer are not just things to do now, they are essential in
navigating yourself, your family and your loved ones through these immensely intense ever-changing times.

Love & Light God Bless Us All 
 Pray for Palestine, Isreal, and all the wrongs of the world.  The innocents of this world that are dying are and sacrificing their souls so
that we, us, mankind will wake up.   Pray for everyone even your enemies as it will raise the vibration to bring in more love and light

Please Pray for the World.

With So Much Love

Wednesday, July 9, 2014



July Energy is unpredictable, One thing that is predictable is that for sure we have left behind alot of the internal reshaping of our beliefs, our worlds, 
and our lives.  From November of last year there has been a lot of internal gutting and restructuring much of what has been a gut-wrenching, soul intense time.  Not lightly putting it, we have emerged from our internal rebuilding.  Now we are ready to come into New Chapters, hopefully, a little wiser, and for sure humbled.  

July is what I call "The Bridge to Stability"  we are on our way to more stable ground within ourselves.  We know what we want, we know what we don't want.  There is still some fallout from all of this.  Feelings have been hurt, relationships have ended, friendships, partnerships you name it, Saturn in Scorpio does not play.  Scorpio is black or white.  They either love you, or hate you, no in between. Saturn in Scorpio has forced us to scale down on everything, including who we deal with in our lives.    We've been underwater for months, Saturn in Scorpio, Jupiter in Pisces, and Neptune in Pisces. These are all big planets that are changing the landscape of all that we know, we have been under an emotional cleaning/clearing our for months. Now it's time to purify.  Before you can go forward into August take some time.  It is no coincidence that Ramadan is in July.

We are approaching a Full Moon on Saturday in Capricorn.  This represents our honor, our reputation, our stability, our money.  Everyone will have money on their minds, future endeavors and stability. This Full Moon marks the end and the beginning.  We will now enter a much more productive time, and a healthier time in relationships.  Plan on a lot of warmer celebrations coming up this fall into the winter.  Last year everyone was just going through the motions.  We were walking emotional zombies. 

Alot of us will be moving, changing residence, even changing countries.  No one really knows where they want to be at the moment either in Love, Living, or Business.  We all have an idea, a vision, but because we are "new" to ourselves, it will take a minute to step into our new skins.  The new revised better you.. is going to have to practice stepping into your power, grace, confidence and beauty.  We have come off some super intense energies so July is our bridge to gearing up to where we are going.  This month we will catch our breath, regain our strength, soul search on some love issues, and move forward into  fun productive lives.  

We are moving into a very "action oriented" time.  We will leave the water behind, Jupiter in Cancer all about home, food, and safety and move into
fiery passionate Leo.  This will be a much sexier time ..alot of us will be very happy about this.  

Jupiter the planet of luck, expansion, good fortune, positivity will move into the sign of Leo.  This will set a trend of Full Self Expression.  Alot of us have been stifled for many reasons in our lives.  This time will now bring our passion forward in Full Force.  Leo rules the heart so a lot of renewed, or new relationships will be happening.

This bridge in July will carry us into new businesses, new ventures, new projects, new life, new love.  Everything will feel very different at the end of July.  Decisions will be made of this summer going into the fall for Brand New Starts.  

It's time for Passion in our lives again, Fun, warmer heartfelt moments, and full self expression! 

God Bless Us All, Lord We Have Been Through It!!!!

With Love, Light, and Grace


Friday, April 25, 2014

May Energy Notes

May Energy Notes ~Kimlovemuse

 Now that we have come through April, a lot of our lessons are behind us.  We have been through tremendous changes in our lives. Say Goodbye to your old
life because as we enter May, you will barely recognize yourself.  We are now fully transformed and in the Groove of 2014.  Most of us are launching in some way,

The Eclipses, Grand Cross, Pluto Retrograde, and Mars retrograde have set us in motion on new paths, new lives, new directions, never to look back again at our
old lives.  That was then, this is now.  Our lessons, people, places and things have served us well for us to grow and expand into the new beings that we  now are.

We have been busy underground , and behind the scenes creating our new lives in the midst of our old ones that have beeb crumbling away for sometime.  The difference is there is no wreckage.  We have emerged lighter, stronger, and pretty much completely transformed.  There isn't one human being that hasn't been or become aware of just how different our planet is, and again just how different we are through the most difficult challenges.  We have come to know ourselves, our purpose, and our true direction.  Change and growth was forced upon us, and as everything accelerated we scrambled to keep up.  April has been a ride and a half.  Everything from 2012 and prior was building into April with the Eclipses and Grand Cross.  This was all orchestrated by the universe.   You will look back and see how just how powerful April was.  The Universe always has your back, always.  Now that we have learned to pray, meditate, come from love, nurture in healthy ways there is no stopping us, for what we have come here to do, and contribute.

May will be extremely busy, however it will have a different feel, and pace to it.  Things in your life between now and September will start coming together in ways you never dreamed were possible.  Our vibrations are brighter as we climb on our magic carpets and glide into amazing new experiences, prosperity, love and alignment with our true selves.  Along the way we will be meeting up with others, and collaborating on great projects filled with the creativity that we have been longing for for what seems to be a very long time.  People's gifts, talents, and abilities are outstanding.  Now the fun begins.

Love will take on a different flavor as well, for there will be a new found freedom in relationships, which is now the healthy way to live.  Relationships have been breaking up, breaking down, this is because partly due to Saturn in Scorpio, which makes you take inventory on your life in the deepest way possible,  The mars retrograde in Libra contributed as well.  All of the breaking down was and is (people may still be in the residue) because there cannot be any lies, with ourselves or others.  We have also come to learn that everything that comes upon us in our lives  we now realize that we  are  responsible. .  We now know that the frequency (our energy) that we are putting out to the universe is what shows up in our lives.  Love and relationships will be very important as we go through this year, (not that they  weren't), but now it's people coming together that actually match in energy.  Partnerships will be extremely supportive, nurturing, and respectful with the ingredients of  unconditional love, and autonomy.n So you will see a lot of new relationships or people renewing their energy in their existing relationships.  Happier people will be the result.

May will show up with a new honesty that will be refreshing, you will feel cleansed from the past as if it was a lifetime ago, and is now a distant fading memory.
People are just not operating on the old energy anymore, it's impossible, nothing will work, and your not that person anymore.

We are in the process of rebuilding a lot of our structures with so much heart.  We are the new architects for the earth, and we are passionate about creating a brighter, harmonious world.  This is truly a futuristic Renaissance in the making.  Many of us have been waiting for this time, and clearing ourselves as we waited and prepared.  Children of this world are now extremely special, they have come into this life with no self-esteem issues, and a deep compassion for this planet.
So we are secure with the world in their hands.  So many gifted children will emerge.

Financially a lot will shift in our lives as we begin doing the work of our true selves, money really won't be an issue.  We've learned to scale back, and our priorities are in check (most of us anyway) some are still working this out.  Nevertheless May is an opening, a doorway to the new.  It will be expansive, creative, social, and a lot of will be on the move as we become global beings.  Prepare to meet many new people, as well as finally catch up with friends you've not seen in years because they were going through all their changes.  Many of us have to spend a lot and I mean a lot of time alone.  That is over now, and anytime we spend alone will be productive in a different way.  We will no longer be incapacitated as we were when our energy was shifting and transmuting.

There will still be earth changes, and all kinds of unnerving news, we are still in what is called the "seed" years into 2015.  The difference is us, we now live from the inside out, and are full fledged creators.  Our spirits finally get it, on many levels.  We have been brought to our knees humbled in every way and are now fully empowered in our power, our birthright, the density has left and the light has flooded in.  Our True Selves have arrived.

Shine Bright, Be Brave, Be Beautiful, Be You

With So Much Love,


Wednesday, January 8, 2014

*ENERGY NOTES*: January Energy Notes: The theme this month is, grace, gratitude and moving forward*

*ENERGY NOTES*: January Energy Notes: The theme this month is, grace, gratitude and moving forward*

January Energy Notes: The theme this month is, grace, gratitude and moving forward*



                              JANUARY ENERGY NOTES


                      Grace, Gratitude, and ..Moving Forward

 January will feel really strange...sometimes you will feel like .....  this...

Other times you will feel like...


The point is,  we are leaving a blur between December into January, actually it's been a blur for me 
since September.
As we move into Aquarius time, you need to be innovative about many things.
You will be extremely busy, you will be overwhelmed, you will feel disoriented and lost, and other days
not care if your lost,  and feel more centered and inspired...even if

you don't know the outcome.

Managing your time, along with organizing and prioritizing is essential.
This will give you a track a structure a grip, for you to be brave, for the
past is gone, it burned with 2013.. many of us burned.. as we burned we burned a new path.  It's not easy learning how to discover, innovate, and reinvent yourself all at the same time.  For some easier than others however, It is not easy in the least, no matter where you are in the plan of your destiny.  It's painful, it's deep, it's lonely, it's necessary to come out on the other side. It takes commitment (your version) dedication (your version) love, patience, faith, and the will to keep going and step up to the ledge.
Facing all your fears is the ultimate task and test of the universe.

Its time to truly go into uncharted territory with yourself, as others go along we will all
meet up if need to.
There are a lot of human angels now. Trust in the flow( once your learn to go with it).

truth is, we all starting building a few years back however all our old behaviors got in the way
20 years of old behavior all in one year called 2013 Once upon a time.  We 
destroyed and built our lives simultaneously.
We are still in the process, and this is a critical time
to focus, use your energy wisely and rest when you can
this is alot. The Energy is intense into March and then comes 
another shift. 
Change is a constant now learn to expect the unexpected and keep going anyway.
There will still be earth changes, and big surprises.  This is a time to gather yourself as
this year will be extremely fast paced, so you will need to learn to move at your own pace to be as 
precise as you can on your template for this year.

I am sure we all as  women want to sit around like 


I know I do!!  however,  maybe this works better for you right now..meaning

You can still be innovative, sexy and productive there are all new possibilities and a lot of us 
are seeing what works and what doesn't. Finding our own style of living..not to any ones standards but your own. Freedom to be yourself. Live Your Life, and Contribute to this Beautiful Earth.

Be Creative

Find your paintbrushes, your tools, your mentors, your people, your loves, your friends,
your philosophy, your heart, your colors, your style. your pace, your rhythm, your temperament, 
your Grace, your Gratitude, your place in Life..

Your Place in Your Life.

Find Professionals, everyone needs help in different ways, look and see what areas you need help in..maybe it's bodywork, 
energy, vision, meditation, organization, the list goes on and on..
There are so many people who are so good in areas of healing that there is no excuse not to heal anymore.  Healers have been training for this time for lifetimes, including myself (boot camp actually) and there are more healers & innovators
showing up of the scene. so it's one big party of spirits uniting now if your up to it.  It requires you being brave, true, and well I don't know you fill in the blanks for yourself.  Everything is so available for your now. Just ask, look around, it will show up.
There is room for everyone.

All this work needs to happen Now, as March is Blast Off Time.

Some things will have to be put aside in your life at the moment in order to achieve focus, traction. and momentum. Just for a little while..we are all transitioning to blossom..

Is it an understatement to say we have all started to come up out of the mud?

Prepare to meet your Love if your have been doing the work of what you feel you deserve in life.  I think LOVE is the toughest and most essential lesson 

Love Heals Everything

So whatever it is you want to be ...dream on...

Anything is possible now in 2014 
It is your road, your dream

At the end of the day..It's all you.

With Love, Grace & Gratitude


Questions: For Questions or Scheduling Email me at
Thanks for Reading !