July is fascinating as I assess the energies. There is a fairness, softness, brightness and understanding of learning and adapting to reasonate at your highest vibration. The time has come beautiful nomads, we have been gypsies, nomads, learning to flow, drift, adapt, to gain strength in the unknown in order to Come Home to Ourselves.
All the hardship you've endured, all the confusion, all the chaos is over. I am not saying your problems are solved, these are still strange times indeed. But July Energy moves in soft, quiet waves with points of stills as we retrograde back for a minute. The Energy of Cancerians is soft, deep, sentimental, nurturing. It's quiet, deep, and remembers the smells of summer as a kid where you grew up on a lake, the sound of the crickets through your window, the lighting bugs that bring such joy to us and is such a simple simple thing. The Simplicity of Home, in ever way is what July is about with a "purification energy" that goes along with it. This purification energy is to return you to the person you are or have always wanted to be.
We are now in a time of stepping into our Rebirth of Ourselves, a time when we remember and live to the fullest all that we are and in return live our truest dreams.
Everything you dreamed you wanted to be, that person is what it is time to step into without fear, with aot of dignity, and honor.
Mind Body Spirit, Past Present and Future. What does home mean to you? Where is home for you? This will be the deepest of questions in July, and will unfold into September.
Home even though it is now "global" for alot of us, and will continue to be, will require looking in and anchoring in truth of environment, people, love and relationships. Your "Spaces" whether it is Mind, Body, or Spirit, Past, Present, Future will require purification and moving foward in the purest of forms.
This means wherever your at, speaking your truth, walking in your truth, living in your truth and in the beginning, this may be unnerving for people as it will require standing up for yourself in a way your not used to. The energy will require you relating from your highest vibration and in turn your lowest may show up first in order to clear the pathway.
You know and have always known who you are deep deep down in your soul, all of us have been afraid to show our souls fully as we feared being rejected, hurt, abandoned, etc. that has all happened, and now it is time to step into our vunerability as this is where our power is.
This is a New Day, New Time, New World, New Place, You are a brand New You. Act like it, live like it, See it, Feel it, Be it.
Soul Energy is everything right now, it will be fueling our lives throughout the Summer into the Fall.
We are on our way to our Home of Homes within ourselves, and in our lives. Everything will now be a reflection of this.
With my deepest honor, thank you for allowing me to write these notes, as difficult as things get, it is always my pleasure to offer these Energy Notes to you.
With Love,
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