by Kimlovemuse's Energy Notes on Wednesday, September 5, 2012 at 8:45am ·
September open up with a fast pace leaving us scratching our heads going, where did the Summer of 2012 go?
Truth is most of us were doing alot inner excavation, and remodeling work on ourselves, while doing the daily grind and getting some playtime in.
If your awake at all you will come to realize you have woken up either in a new place, or new skin. Alot of us have relocated ourselves whether it be inside or out. August Energies were a culmination of the year. 2012
has has alot of back and forth, start, stop energy. The reason for these energies is that very big decisions are being made in people's lives. 2012 is not for the faint of heart, you must muster up your courage and learn to do whatever you need to make the necessary changes in order for you life to work fluently. This will require pushing through alot of obstacles, and if your heart is in the right place you will notice there are alot of people showing up to help you through all of those obstacles, however ultimately you are required to make the committment to yourself, with strength, courage and fortitude.
The energies are different now, quicker, more unpredictable and much more demanding of you being who yu truly are to the fullest expression. Coming into your true self will require patience, passion, and clarity.
Patience with yourself to allow yourself to unfold, there's nothing to get, it's all it inside, it's more of a letting go energy.
Passion, will be the driving force for your life. This is what will make you the happiest and most fulfilled.
So, cliche' in a good way.
Clarity, If you don't have clarity there are too many distractions....e v e r y w h e r e to take you and keep you of your game. You will need to find a discipline for this.
These New Trails we are blazin.. are huge, because when a human is fully present and in their spirit the power and energy are such a gift. Being genuine in all that you do can only bring you greater gifts and open up worlds to you.
Think about how much your life has changed. Somewhere, somehow there has been a huge clearing..of people, places, things. to bring you to a lighter, brighter, stronger truer you. You are most likely more in your heart ,and if you are not doing what you love, you are on your path to doing what expresses you and your unique gifts. Remember we are all on different timelines in our evolution.
What we are beginning to realize is that we can't be lazy, about pretty much anything anymore. The business of living requires our full AWAKE attention. All those callings of different ideas and projects sparkling in your head and heart. We may try different paths, and they may lead us to something else, the keys is keep moving (action) and stay fluid.
Fluidity, I love that word. It's necessary to have structure, and discipline in your life now, and stay fluid for all the unpredictability that there is. Living in the moment is what being fluid is...for me I try to stay feeling fluid because if I say to myself.. be in the moment, I go right into my head.
Don't hang out in your head for too long, drop into your heart when you want to know something. It's not easy trying to follow the rules of the new energies, however this has been the game of 2012 this year has been teaching us with all the start. stop, energy to feel out the territoty and new landscapes. You've been dropped at the top,of a different mountain with a new view, new perspective, new feeling, new skin, new you. Your not the same, none of us are, we are more of who we are than we have every been. This energy is only getting deeper.
Don't be afraid of unpredictability, have faith, trust in who you are, know you are guided and protected, bring all of this forth in your life. This is why clarity is so important. Let go of unecessary..all of it, whatever that means to you let it go, so you can have more energy for all else that is required of you.
Pay attention to the world around you, now that we have returned to the world from our deep inner journey's be sure to look around. In big crowds pay attention.
I write this column for people who are awake or just waking up or looking to wake up. This doesn't mean that there are not people out there without a clue, there know who you are dealing with. Soul Stealers, Energy Thieves, people who just can't handle the ascension process. Pay attention to people's motives do they want the best for you?
It's not all fairies and butterflies even in the most beautiful settings. However there is alot of Beauty and more emerging. The dark and the light are engaged in the deepest of energies right now, it will become more intense, but you can be aligned with yourself and prepared. It's brilliant the way it's all set up, and fascinating as well.
You can go hide in a closet or a bunker if you want, but honestly ..what will that do? You'll miss everything, and you do not want to miss these times, they are far too fantastic, even with all the blood, sweat and tears.
So get up, get out, and GET YOUR SPARKLE ON!!

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