Friday, September 16, 2011

More** on September Energy Notes

by Kimlovemuse's Energy Notes on Friday, September 16, 2011 at 11:24am
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I woke up this morning, and some new information came floating in.  I guess it must be the Pluto Station coming up of September 20th.  Power, Communication, and transformation are the trends and topic in this note.    I will break it down.Pluto has a lot to do with Power & Soul Retreival so this is why I am seeing these trends at the moment.If you look back over this past year, you will notice that in April there were big Communication/Power Struggles.  I would venture to say that alot of them have not been resolved, and they may have cropped up over this past week for you to review again.  Only this time it's much more personal.  The theme is how YOU handle YOUR Personal Power & ....AND how you communicate.  1.  Are you in touch with your power, or do you give to everyone walking by?2. Was it ripped out from you as a child?3. Did you lose it? never to reclaim it againIt doens't matter, but I guarantee you, everyone at this juncture is dealing with how to  or gain, recover their personal power  and learn how to use if creatively, and effectively.The way to use Pluto in this would be to learn the power of Pluto and transmute any of your Power Struggles.  Power Struggles come in the form of "stand off's" , shut down communication, on one person part of another.  There are many different reasons of why this happens.  This trend is showing up in people's lives as a re-occuring Theme and therefore you will have to dig down very very deep almost to the point of excavation to see why and clear it out.  I find that you can use the Power of Pluto to do this, so now would be the time.Somewhere you will see the common thread on your Power Struggles, and Communciation and how they affect your entire life.Here is the definition of POWER:pow·er  (pour)n.1. The ability or capacity to perform or act effectively.2. A specific capacity, faculty, or aptitude. Often used in the plural: her powers of concentration.3. Strength or force exerted or capable of being exerted; might. See Synonyms at strength.4. The ability or official capacity to exercise control; authority.5. A person, group, or nation having great influence or control over others: the western powers.6. The might of a nation, political organization, or similar group.7. Forcefulness; effectiveness: a novel of unusual power.Meditate on WHERE, WHEN YOU FEEL..Only you, not what people tell you or project You felt powerless and lost your power.  (HINT:  wherever or with whomever you have a hard time communicating).Which brings me to Communication:  We are all human, (some more than others lol)  Communication is a BIG DEAL..It's everything if....effective.Interestingly enough people shut down communication to NOT Resolve, or Claim False Power.  It's never real power when this's stubborness A big Illusion to power.Gentleness, Kindness, Understanding, Willingness to Work things Out and Communicate is what enforces Power.Being Stubborn, and Shut Down only gets people sick and keeps them (everyone around them) non-productive.So why don't we all try being powerful in Healthy Ways and Speak Up and Allow Others to Speak Up.  We would have a much more productive loving World.  Everywhere I look and whomever I speak with is not speaking to someone, or has an issue with someone...frankly I'm really tired of the Stupidity of people trying to One UP each each for a false notion of Power.  It's enough already.One note on this..if someone is clearly not happy for you, than get rid of them all together because they will not Enpower you in your life...they will Undercut you.  Make sure you know who your dealing with.Now, on to Communication*  Communication:"Any act by which one person gives to or receives from another person information about that person's needs, desires, perceptions, knowledge, or affective states. Communication may be intentional or unintentional, may involve conventional or unconventional signals, may take linguistic or nonlinguistic forms, and may occur through spoken or other modes." As you can see, even when your not communicating...You Are communicating Loud and Clear.  People hear it..spoken or not.  The Road to healthy communication is becoming very apparent to me lately in that it really has to do wth Personal Power..I think this is huge in a Giant Step for Mankind lol.So How are you using your Personal Power, or do you even know, feel what that is? and How are you communicating?  Are you helping people, assisting people, allowing people to express themselves, or are you shutting them down for your own false sense of power and keeping yourself from accessing your own treasures, abilities and gifts to mankind?Excavate, Clear and ReNew Your Sense of YourSelf, I promise you will be All Shiny Bright, and Glowing and feel really good about your motives because they won't be from shit 100 years ago that someone did to you and you can't even remember who.  Use this Energy *  It is Very Strong Alchemy to Transform, Transcend & Transmute your Life Your World Your Communication and Your Personal Power as a Beautiful Human Being.  We weren't put here to shut down and not give any kind of encouragement to each other.  We are here to Master these things..hard as it is.So your homework for Today, look in the areas first and foremost of Where YOU lost your power...It could have been at birth, it could have been at doesn't matter What matters is that when you feel it, and you will if you look deep enough...YOU'LL RECLAIM IT :)Second..Once you reclaim your power will Need to look in your Life and see who you want to communicate with.Then get on it.I will be back later on Today with a Meditation that I did that will Help alot with all this before you approach the people in your lifel I don't have time to write it out at this moment, but I will this afternoon.

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