Saturday, October 5, 2013

October Energy Notes* Spiritual Maturity*

OCTOBER ENERGIES will roll from September as one big blur.  You were probably walking around the last days of September wondering what just happened and why is my world different in the blink of an eye. There was a zombie like disconnected feeling the past two weeks due to the overwhelming amount of change, stress, and emotional situations happening to all humans at the moment.

The Energy let up a little bit Friday night, however do not be fooled, there is still more to come, be addressed, and deeply delved into.

Ocotber will be a mix of energies, quiet time will be needed, and alot alot of it.  This would be a time to go very deep into what you Truly want.  No one can do this for you.  We all are going through a period of growing up, Spiritually.  We are no longer toddlers through 2012 we have to grow up and grow up now.
This is not me saying this, if you haven't noticed the ENERGY is demanding it from us.

Let me back track to the summer for a minute.  This summer was somewhat uneventful for alot of people, seems as though all we were doing was taking care of business, the demands of daily life, and time being compressed was alot to deal with, and so we tried to take time wherever we could. We sat on alot of things until end September when it exploded and opened everything up.  Ad you saw you had to take a road just by instinct and energy, not knowing what would even be in front of you in the next day.

September rolled in, and with the end of September came, Pluto going direct, A full moon, the equinox, Saturn square venus, and just an intense amount of planets coming together that if your living under a rock you would still feel the intensity.  There is alot to cover in the October Notes so I thought I might try to break it down into categories:

BALANCE;  I want to address Balance first because if you haven't noticed we have been completely knocked sideway in the past two weeks.  Try to do as many baths, yoga meditation, eating healthy, and streamlining your closets and lives as you can.  Keep everything very very simple.  Do not over commit to anything right now. You really need to time, rest, sleep, relflection and introspection in reviewing your life and world.

FAITH:  You need to conjure up you faith, muster it wherever you can.  This is not only to believe in yourself, but to believe that things will all work out.  In alot of ways it looks like Rome is crumbling around you, in some aspects it has to, and this can be unnerving, and feel scary. You just have to believe with all your might and all your heart, this is what Faith IS.

CLEAN UP:  We need to clean up our worlds, all of it.  Tie up loose ends as best you can.  work on your issues, don't blame other people.  Turn inward and do your work (hard as this is).  and clean out your closets literally,  Mainstream everything get rid of excess everything, simplify.  Keep only what you love, and start to do that which you Love, spend time with people of whom you Love. Obligation is a thing of the 90's no one one is obligated in this new energy.

Relationships:  Relationships are being tested to the max.  Self Love/Self Worth, Balance, Yin & Yang,
Truth, Support, and two partners that are living their truth and know what they want passionately.
Saturn in Scorpio requires you to BUILD a foundation that supports your PASSION.  Nothing else will work and this can be very challenging because this Energy will not let up.  There is no mercy Must Do The Work there are no shortcuts, no band aids. This is NEW Energy for LOVE and Relationships, we all need a fresh start, however that requires New Perspectives, and living in this New Energy. We must work separate but together to get to a higher ground.

October will require you to clean up, wake up, stand up, face up (to all your fears). Facing all your fears will be telling the truth, speaking your truth, walking your truth.

Lao Tzu said it Best:

If you want to awaken
all of humanity,
then awaken all of yourself.

If you want to eliminate
the suffering in
the world, then eliminate all that is dark
and negative in yourself.

Truly, the greatest gift
you have to
give is that of your
own self-transformation.

With All My Love, Kimlovemuse

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

July Energy Notes ~Our True Homes.

July is fascinating as I assess the energies.  There is a fairness, softness, brightness and understanding of learning and adapting to reasonate at your highest vibration.  The time has come beautiful nomads, we have been gypsies, nomads, learning to flow, drift, adapt, to gain strength in the unknown in order to Come Home to Ourselves.

All the hardship you've endured, all the confusion, all the chaos is over.  I am not saying your problems are solved, these are still strange times indeed. But July Energy moves in soft, quiet waves with points of stills as we retrograde back  for a minute.  The Energy of Cancerians is soft, deep, sentimental, nurturing. It's quiet, deep, and remembers the smells of summer as a kid where you grew up on a lake, the sound of the crickets through your window, the lighting bugs that bring such joy to us and is such a simple simple thing.  The Simplicity of Home, in ever way is what July is about with a "purification energy" that goes along with it.  This purification energy is to return you to the person you are or have always wanted to be.

We are now in a time of stepping into our Rebirth of Ourselves, a time when we remember and live to the fullest all that we are and in return live our truest dreams.

Everything you dreamed you wanted to be, that person is what it is time to step into without fear, with aot of dignity, and honor.

Mind Body Spirit, Past Present and Future.  What does home mean to you? Where is home for you? This will be the deepest of questions in July, and will unfold into September.

Home even though it is now "global" for alot of us, and will continue to be, will require looking in and anchoring in truth of environment, people, love and relationships.  Your "Spaces" whether it is Mind, Body, or Spirit, Past, Present, Future will require purification and moving foward in the purest of forms.

This means wherever your at, speaking your truth, walking in your truth, living in your truth and in the beginning, this may be unnerving for people as it will require standing up for yourself in a way your not used to.  The energy will require you relating from your highest vibration and in turn your lowest may show up first in order to clear the pathway.

You know and have always known who you are deep deep down in your soul, all of us have been afraid to show our souls fully as we feared being rejected, hurt, abandoned, etc.  that has all happened, and now it is time to step into our vunerability as this is where our power is.

This is a New Day, New Time, New World, New Place, You are a brand New You.  Act like it, live like it, See it, Feel it, Be it.  

Soul Energy is everything right now, it will be fueling our lives throughout the Summer into the Fall.

We are on our way to our Home of Homes within ourselves, and in our lives.  Everything will now be a reflection of this.

With my deepest honor, thank you for allowing me to write these notes, as difficult as things get, it is always my pleasure to offer these Energy Notes to you.

With Love,

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Energy Notes June Part 2 ~Our Soulwalk
In the second part of June, It will get very real and when things get real, they can be challenging until they are not anymore,  Things are difficult or can seem difficult for a few reasons, one we are stepping into our true essence which will require letting any of your old energy, old self, old patterns either run its course, and disipate, or just get through the old residue of our beings that  needs purification. So let whatever needs to burn off at the moment fall away as you are learning to work with your new self energy and image.  Reviews will be subtle with yourself however, it will feel constant as if you are walking in and living in a deep inner world while you are participating in the movement of the world.
Facing all your fears is what will be most prominent and allowing life to unfold with a brand new collaboration of your spirit.

July will be about Purification.

This Energy is about stepping into the unknown with your new sense of self worth, and honor while still in the process of being Renovated. June also requires walking into the unknown and being completely comfortable with not knowing which way things will turn out. Between now, and September a lot will change. Change of which you will have not control over   This will be a time of faith trust letting go, and allowing fate to come in while maintaining a positive outlook that all will be well.
The truth is we don't know.  Our control issues have been knocked out by the eclipses but you can still put them back into place if you want to....but  why would you?   Part of the beauty of life is the unfoldment.  As a pyschic you must be saying hmm, but Life has to breathe   and breathe some more.
Guidance and Intuition are needed yes, however Love and Trust on a very big level are what is needed to be implemented and learned and given life in your precious life.

 Change, and the unknown as it is the new fashion and faith is the  accessory.   The beauty in all of this is that it keeps you genuine, authentic,  I'm the moment the now where brilliance is born. 

Adventure takes place.. this is the trade off for safety, comfort and routine which we are all tired of.  It hasn't worked.   We still need structure , our new structure built on our dreams Live in your dreams, your biggest most beautiful boldest dreams..this is where your power is..your legend, your gifts, your truth.
So while doing the tasks of building the structure you must be fully anchored in your dreams NOT in your fears or what you don't want otherwise guess where the energy travels? where it is given the most atention.  Good, bad, negative, positive the universe doesn't relate to that.  It relates to the amount of heat, passion your giving.
Pretty soon manifesting will just be matter of fact for us. Telepathy will be how we communicate. A lot of us do it now. 
When we rise up as we are doing the only place to go will be to turn toward the world, and see what we can give. This is where it gets interesting and that time is between now and September/October.

Let the SoulWalks begin!

Questions welcomed, comments welcomed.

Lot's of Love Kimlovemuse

Friday, June 14, 2013


June Energy Notes are very special.  As I sat down to write these notes, I sincerely did not know where to begin.  The changes, renovations, and construction that has been  going on in our lives is mind boggling,  not to mention the chaos we are enduring while having to be zen enough to stay in our heart energy to follow our true sacred  paths.

As I look around nothing is the same, time has sped up, people reinventing themselves seems like the norm, everyone is everywhere and nowhere all at the same time.  Mass confusion, chaos, rage, anger, has been bubbling up to the surface for people since  the eclipse in April tore through people's lives.  

Depending on where you have been placing your energy is where you will be dealing with most energetic blocks or clean ups.  The April eclipse blew up our lives in some way.  Let me just say if you have been on the right path and everything has been going smooth then lucky you.  For the rest of us, we are in major renovation mode...In our homes, apartments, works spaces etc, in our lives with friendships, relationships, in our businesses, in our projects basically in our entire beings down to the core core level.
Gutting & Renovating is where we are and quite frankly where we should be.  Everything due the the gigantic shift in energy is now emerging and requesting New Life.  

New Life, sounds amazing, yet don't be fooled anyone that you see building their new life now, has been working their ass off day and night, and then some.  These are energies that are requiring everything from you.  Everything...your guts, your passions your tears, your sweat, your brilliance.  Everyday will be different, some days you won't even comprehend what is happening.  Other days you will feel brilliant and on-top of the world.

The truth is we can no longer talk ourselves into anything that is not true for us, whether it be relationship, friendship, business, projects, living, you name it...if it's not your truth it will be very very painful and uncomfortable.  Any Energetic blocks right now will make you crazy whether it is people, noise, lies, or anything that doesn't feel true to where you need to be.  Spiritually, Physically, Mentally.

June is tough because it will require moving foward demanding that you release all of your fears, deep wounds, and dysfunction of any sort whether it is addictions, patterns, bad habits etc. to become spiritually wholesome which is actually our birthright all at the same time. This is alot my friends more than alot of people will be able to handle or withstand but we are returning to our natural essence, our true nature which is the real gift of life that so many of us have been denying ourselves or been denied by other people. So things will get blurry, and not make sense at times, you will be distracted, blocked and upset about your life not looking exactly the way you want it to.  Your life won't start to look like or start to take form in the way you hope most likely  August into September.  This will be a working summer from the inside out.

June will be a month to take time to honor yourself and selfishly think about yourself and your life.  It will take alot reflection and inner work to deal with the outside world.  Our sensitivities are heightened now due to the fact that we have moved from Jupiter in Gemini to Jupiter in Cancer.  Cancer is the Moonchild, super sensitive  to everything.  Watery emotional nurturing and in great need of nurturing so please take care of yourself, nurture yourself more than you have in the past.  This Summer will require all of your old being pushing through and morphing into your new being.  This will all be simple if you walk and live in your truth, but many of us are just learning what that truly is for us on a very deep deep personal level.  

Honor Yourself, Learn and Know Your Self Worth & Value, Be Brave Move Foward to Walk Your True Sacred Path

This is Part 1 of June Energy Notes, there is so much that I will be writing Part 2 apparently.

Thanks for reading, Lots of Love KimLoveMuse

Wednesday, May 8, 2013


May Energy will require alot of readjusting.   Whether we like it or not, the April Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse...
has us in a strange kind of holding pattern after hurricanes just blew through our lives energetically.

If you were or have been resisting any kind of change or holding onto anything that isn't working, this eclipse probably came in  and relentessly, and pulled it/moved it/eclipsed it out of your life,  and rather abrubtly I would say.  There may be a feeling of unfairness to this energy, and or a kind of confusion as to why it's happening.

Needless to say that doesn't leave much room to see a clear road up ahead when your still in the aftermath and at the mercy of the gods at the moment.  You may be feeling not seen, not heard, as if you have lost all your power in your life.  Alot of us have been leveled in one way or another and we are still in the midst of the eclipses.

This Energy is requiring us to become Change Thrivers, which means before you can thrive in all this change being thrown at us from every angle.  You need to balance, seek out counsel, learn to use both your feminine and masculine energy to filter through all of the energies.  There are alot of different energies at the moment, so it's very confusing.  You are at the moment required to maintain, your life, your structure which is like a moving floor.  The walls, and floors will be shifting and moving in your life from now til September. All the time while thriving and moving foward while nothing is comfortable and everything is extremely messy.  It's quite the tightrope/balancing act and hard to find  a flow in all of this, however you must.  You must push through yet again.

Find your new definition of power or enpowerment within.  This energy is so difficult that it will take each day to assess and direct how you want to proceed.  Everything hinges on something else and so take your time, take slow thorough steps in regaining your self, and your footing.

As I said we are still in the beginning of readjustment, and in the thick of our behaviors that no longer serve us and are some sort of detriment to our lives.  No matter what has happened you need to look at your role and your responsibility in it all, otherwise how can you make the necessary changes that are needed immediately.

This time, does not feel good unless you embrace change, responsibility, and an consistent internal and external reworking of yourself.  This could not be more work, I mean, seriously I cannot comprehend how much we are all working through, while time is speeding ahead.  Make sure you go at your own pace, and what I mean is that where you are at the moment may be very uncomfortable, very, and you will want to run, distract do something to feel better, to get out of the ugly, this would be the time to stand your ground and do things differently.

Try not to become fixated on any outcome, instead work dilligently through these heavy thick energies to move into a lighter way of being.  Keep your vision in your heart, speak your truth, live your truth, and continue this even if you feel like you have made mistakes.

This is a very intense time of change, and you need to make wise choices from where you stand right now.  We need our Feminine energies to nurture us and our masculine energies to take action,  Find the stillness, the quiet when you can to continually check in and readjust within yourself.

Much Love & Light

Thursday, April 4, 2013


Today, the first day of April will be the beginning of us doing things very differently in our lives, along with having a different feeling in our beings.

The Universe is now set up to support us..Past our limitations.  It always was, it just works better because we are now aligned with it.

We will be facing al our deepest fears.  The ones we have been carrying as burdens, the ones we could not get past and have tried our entire lives.  The fears that have imprinted our Blueprints to make us believe that we just don't deserve.

Alot of us have secretly given up, or are just saying, I will do the best I can with what I have.  

Our hearts are pure, and we can face our fear with having no fear.  It feels very simple and very different.

I watched Snow White and the Huntsmen yesterday, I went to sleep thinking about the film.  A few things came to me. 

Snow White's innocence was locked up for many years.  She was kept and lived only in the dark, and yet she followed the signs to escape and kept moving toward her goal of what she knew innately that she needed to do.

She never questioned her heart, or her strength, she never doubted herself, and she kept quiet and built her strenghth from the inside out.

She never complained and related only from her heart and her strength with all humans, creatures and immortals that she came uponin her journey.

She remained pure of heart (clarity & strength) even through being kept in the dark for most of her life, and knowing full well that the queen was trying to take her heart as she did Snow White's father's heart.  The evil queen was full of Hate and could not sustain her life force without taking other hearts and their beauty.

She asked for help when she needed it, she showed her light, and compassion for the world, in spite of all the evil and ugliness that came upon her.  

She came upon the dwarfs who all represented knowing, love, unselfishness, compassion each held a different extension her emotions. And all who were positioned to help her on her journey were destined and aligned within her path for the greater good.

Even with everything taken from her she knew her rightful place, in just "Being" who she truly was.

The twist on this story was the Huntsmen,  The huntsmen was not a perfect prince, all clean and shiny, he was flawed and hurt, and had given up in many ways from losing a love.  Through his pain Snow White still saw him, and she knew herself so well.

He taught Snow White on their journey how to protect herself, and drive a dagger straight through someone's heart that would try to kill her.

Her left and felt she would be better off without him, all the while knowing he loved her until his heart called him back.

He protected, guided  and  bonded with the princess along their journey while he allowed himself to quietly observe all that was around her while loving her.  He did not interfere stayed in his power as a leader and a braveheart he assisted and helped where he could.  He stayed humble and out of his ego while fully embracing his masculine and feminine.

The Huntsmen told Snow White the truth when it was safe enough for him to be vunerable and true to his spirit, which woke her Spirit.

He allowed her the rightful path, while standing, with,behind and beside her.  He protected her while she grew from a Princess into a Beautiful Compassionate Queen, that brought life and hope back to the land.

He did not sit beside her as in old fairytales, he kept his rightful place as the Huntsmen to keep his instincts and protect her and still be allowed to keep his wild nature.

We have now come into our Pure Hearts, we as women know we have the ability to bring life to the land, this is our gift, compassion and love.  We as women know that we live in both the masculine and feminine, and that men need to keep their instincts, and their wild powerful nature and we must allow them this too.

Men know they are powerful instinive creatures that live in both feminine and masculine. They protect, serve and assist in the balance of life.

It's time for us to all take our rightful places from a very very long journey indeed.

With Love,

Monday, March 25, 2013

Psychic Scopes for the week beginning March 27th 2013

This week we have a Big (meaning powerful) Full Moon in the sign of Libra, Energy will be very high
as changes are abound for every sign.  The way you can kind of figure how this moon will affect you is
to look at the themes you have been dealing with in past few months.  The energy has been building up.  This is not a quiet moon, it will be filled with change, unexpected twists and turns. Tempers will
be high, navigate with excitement, and caution at the same time.  Have an Awesome action packed week!!

Aries:  Lots of change on the forefront.  Big decisions in every area of your life.  Stay steady you will be rocked and shaken to the core
however, it's all for the better in the end.

Taurus: Luckily you seem to come through this full moon week unscathed.  Move foward into Spring. Start planting some new ideas in
your Taurus garden.

Gemini:  Try to lay low and try not to start any drama because your bored this week.  Put your creative brain to work and keep it occupied like 
you would your artistic 5 yr old.

Cancer:  Your really starting to get the hang of working hard, and collaborating with other like minded beings to make things happen in your life and theirs.  This is only the beginning of some really good times.

Leo: You now moving foward into a new social time in your life, new people,  new places, finally all the stagnation has moved on and out.  It only up from here.

Virgo:  Get to the gym as much as you possibly can this week and blow off steam.  You need to be physical in every way this week.  Your attention span will be low, however your sex drive will be super high.  Whatever works gym, dance, sex anything of a physical nature will be at the top of your list this week.

Libra:  Brace yourself, there is a big full moon in your sign this week.  It would be best to think of yourself on an surfboard, there will be 
turbulance, it will get rocky bumpy and maybe even a little scary, and at the same time really exciting,  Ride the air waves you will be fine on the other side and all your relationship differences will be aired out.

Scorpio: You have been planning, plotting, scheming, for a better life, waiting for it to get started.  This week let loose on the reigns of your life, and hold tight to yourself.  Everything is falling into place now.  Spring is here.

Sagittarius:  Your still a bit confused this week on what the meaning of your life is.  The funny thing is, if anyone can laugh at themselves, it's you.  Take everything in stride this week as people will  not be acting like themselves.

Capricorn:  Lately,  you have been feeling like your living in a pressure cooker.  It's all too much to take.  You really need to open up to someone or let steam off in some way even if it means singing in the shower at the top of your lungs.  Self expression is imperative this week.

Aquarius: It's all the same to you, you are one sign that really knows how to go with the flow,  The key is that you understand detachment through and through.  Lucky you as it will save you this week.

Pisces: Your feeling all mushy and sentimental this week, which is great, just make sure to keep all this close to your chest as alot of people will not share the same sentiments.  Nevertheless, have you own mad-hatter tea party abd dream away.

Sunday, March 17, 2013

March Energy Notes

March Energy is living up to it's reputation, being unpredictable, not to mention the infamous Mercury Retrograde which came on the heels of the Full Moon.

March is choppy to say the least, it's a whirlwind of emotion and psychologically and physically being all over the place.  You may have lots of great ideas but obligations are requiring you to be in other places especially on the days where you want to hide and not talk to anyone.

Your going to feel very pulled in many directions in March, along with feeling like your in the tumble cycle not knowing when it will stip or where it will spin you out to.

Alot of uncertainity, while Spirit is requiring you to get certain.  How do you do this?  This is a month where you need to look at allowing the elements of force to do their thing while you ride it out along with going inward in such a deep way that you discover many new things about yourself.  This will help with not really having any control over what is going on outwardly that you cannot control.

This energy will require you to quietly move foward, and then allow space for things to take their own time in falling into place.

March is kinda a mess, so allow things to be messy and all over the place.  It's very transitional with alot of excitement, and anxiety all at the same time.

Every deadline will be due, every friend, family member, child, partner, husband, wife, lover will need you, and every projects will be demaning your time.  This is all while you are reinventing yourself.

In another words everything will be a priority and will demand you attention, along with the fact that we are just about to turn a big corner in  all the work we have been doing since January to get aquainted and acclemated with the new energies of 2013.

Nothing will move until after today (Sunday, March 17th) as mercury stations direct, now the energy won't be so paralyzed and bouncing off walls.  Things will begin to move foward, take your time though because everything that demanded your attention will still be there, like redoing our lives which is overwhelming.

Alot of people have had health issues come up in these past few months and have been dealing with that during the retrograde, living situations are big on the list too. Deep deep hidden issues have come to light in this period of the retrograde.   I will admit there is alot that is being required of us.  I suggest when it feels hopeless, go inward and get clear.  Dont try from the outside the elements of force are too strong.  

This energy is training us how to be in chaos, and still be clear and calm.  This is the training ground for March Energy, along with this it is stretching us to open up and think about others not just our small little worlds.  When you look around you need to bring your compassion and understanding foward in these trying times.  People are all going through it, no matter who they are, and you may not know the extent of what they are going through so try to be kind when you can.

The energy will quicken this week and people will panic to get everything done and in place.  Not going to happen, so just let it be. The energy will feel like your being catapulted from a giant rubberband.  Go with the wild fierce flow and enjoy the ride while your moving your energy foward in clarity and soulfulness of living your peronal lifestyle to unveil as much of your creativity as you can.

One last note about this big Full Moon happening on the 27th.  You can probably look at the themes in your life and see what you've been dealing with, the full moon will bring these issues to a head.  The purpose will be to clear the way for the next step in your life.  

April feels much calmer and directional to me. Like the calm after the Storm.

With Love,