Sunday, March 17, 2013

March Energy Notes

March Energy is living up to it's reputation, being unpredictable, not to mention the infamous Mercury Retrograde which came on the heels of the Full Moon.

March is choppy to say the least, it's a whirlwind of emotion and psychologically and physically being all over the place.  You may have lots of great ideas but obligations are requiring you to be in other places especially on the days where you want to hide and not talk to anyone.

Your going to feel very pulled in many directions in March, along with feeling like your in the tumble cycle not knowing when it will stip or where it will spin you out to.

Alot of uncertainity, while Spirit is requiring you to get certain.  How do you do this?  This is a month where you need to look at allowing the elements of force to do their thing while you ride it out along with going inward in such a deep way that you discover many new things about yourself.  This will help with not really having any control over what is going on outwardly that you cannot control.

This energy will require you to quietly move foward, and then allow space for things to take their own time in falling into place.

March is kinda a mess, so allow things to be messy and all over the place.  It's very transitional with alot of excitement, and anxiety all at the same time.

Every deadline will be due, every friend, family member, child, partner, husband, wife, lover will need you, and every projects will be demaning your time.  This is all while you are reinventing yourself.

In another words everything will be a priority and will demand you attention, along with the fact that we are just about to turn a big corner in  all the work we have been doing since January to get aquainted and acclemated with the new energies of 2013.

Nothing will move until after today (Sunday, March 17th) as mercury stations direct, now the energy won't be so paralyzed and bouncing off walls.  Things will begin to move foward, take your time though because everything that demanded your attention will still be there, like redoing our lives which is overwhelming.

Alot of people have had health issues come up in these past few months and have been dealing with that during the retrograde, living situations are big on the list too. Deep deep hidden issues have come to light in this period of the retrograde.   I will admit there is alot that is being required of us.  I suggest when it feels hopeless, go inward and get clear.  Dont try from the outside the elements of force are too strong.  

This energy is training us how to be in chaos, and still be clear and calm.  This is the training ground for March Energy, along with this it is stretching us to open up and think about others not just our small little worlds.  When you look around you need to bring your compassion and understanding foward in these trying times.  People are all going through it, no matter who they are, and you may not know the extent of what they are going through so try to be kind when you can.

The energy will quicken this week and people will panic to get everything done and in place.  Not going to happen, so just let it be. The energy will feel like your being catapulted from a giant rubberband.  Go with the wild fierce flow and enjoy the ride while your moving your energy foward in clarity and soulfulness of living your peronal lifestyle to unveil as much of your creativity as you can.

One last note about this big Full Moon happening on the 27th.  You can probably look at the themes in your life and see what you've been dealing with, the full moon will bring these issues to a head.  The purpose will be to clear the way for the next step in your life.  

April feels much calmer and directional to me. Like the calm after the Storm.

With Love,

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