Friday, June 14, 2013


June Energy Notes are very special.  As I sat down to write these notes, I sincerely did not know where to begin.  The changes, renovations, and construction that has been  going on in our lives is mind boggling,  not to mention the chaos we are enduring while having to be zen enough to stay in our heart energy to follow our true sacred  paths.

As I look around nothing is the same, time has sped up, people reinventing themselves seems like the norm, everyone is everywhere and nowhere all at the same time.  Mass confusion, chaos, rage, anger, has been bubbling up to the surface for people since  the eclipse in April tore through people's lives.  

Depending on where you have been placing your energy is where you will be dealing with most energetic blocks or clean ups.  The April eclipse blew up our lives in some way.  Let me just say if you have been on the right path and everything has been going smooth then lucky you.  For the rest of us, we are in major renovation mode...In our homes, apartments, works spaces etc, in our lives with friendships, relationships, in our businesses, in our projects basically in our entire beings down to the core core level.
Gutting & Renovating is where we are and quite frankly where we should be.  Everything due the the gigantic shift in energy is now emerging and requesting New Life.  

New Life, sounds amazing, yet don't be fooled anyone that you see building their new life now, has been working their ass off day and night, and then some.  These are energies that are requiring everything from you.  Everything...your guts, your passions your tears, your sweat, your brilliance.  Everyday will be different, some days you won't even comprehend what is happening.  Other days you will feel brilliant and on-top of the world.

The truth is we can no longer talk ourselves into anything that is not true for us, whether it be relationship, friendship, business, projects, living, you name it...if it's not your truth it will be very very painful and uncomfortable.  Any Energetic blocks right now will make you crazy whether it is people, noise, lies, or anything that doesn't feel true to where you need to be.  Spiritually, Physically, Mentally.

June is tough because it will require moving foward demanding that you release all of your fears, deep wounds, and dysfunction of any sort whether it is addictions, patterns, bad habits etc. to become spiritually wholesome which is actually our birthright all at the same time. This is alot my friends more than alot of people will be able to handle or withstand but we are returning to our natural essence, our true nature which is the real gift of life that so many of us have been denying ourselves or been denied by other people. So things will get blurry, and not make sense at times, you will be distracted, blocked and upset about your life not looking exactly the way you want it to.  Your life won't start to look like or start to take form in the way you hope most likely  August into September.  This will be a working summer from the inside out.

June will be a month to take time to honor yourself and selfishly think about yourself and your life.  It will take alot reflection and inner work to deal with the outside world.  Our sensitivities are heightened now due to the fact that we have moved from Jupiter in Gemini to Jupiter in Cancer.  Cancer is the Moonchild, super sensitive  to everything.  Watery emotional nurturing and in great need of nurturing so please take care of yourself, nurture yourself more than you have in the past.  This Summer will require all of your old being pushing through and morphing into your new being.  This will all be simple if you walk and live in your truth, but many of us are just learning what that truly is for us on a very deep deep personal level.  

Honor Yourself, Learn and Know Your Self Worth & Value, Be Brave Move Foward to Walk Your True Sacred Path

This is Part 1 of June Energy Notes, there is so much that I will be writing Part 2 apparently.

Thanks for reading, Lots of Love KimLoveMuse

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