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Courage is the ability to let go of the familiar April Energy Notes ~ Gaining Traction & Spiritual Overlays |
April began with a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse, the message here was clear to me: Blind faith. After all, did you not feel like you have been walking down a dark corridor since January, for some of us as far back as November. These months were probably some of the darkest times on the planet. If you have not reviewed your life ten times over, sideways, upside down, and inside out, then you would be a rare person on the planet. For many of us, the end of 2014 began a great review of our lives. For a lot of evolved souls, we have done this a million times over. The difference that you may have felt, is that a lot of humanity has begun to wake up. Information that healers, light workers, and evolved souls have known forever, is now becoming common amongst everyone on the planet.
For a lot of us, our childhoods were completely confusing, for not only did we have an identity crisis happening, we were completely lost in knowing, and understanding on some level that we had gifts, having to hide and keep them secret. We developed them quietly, and in our own way. We kept quiet about our abilities. We were still crucified for our light because we could not hide it, people were afraid of our power, only we were innocent, we did not know this and so for many of us we retreated in so as to protect ourselves. Unfortunately the price we paid was insurmountable suffering, abuse, pretty much crimes against the innocent souls. Our kindness got mistaken for weakness, we were ridiculed, bullied, beat, hurt, in ways that words could not express, and so in not being able to be verbal we developed a silent dialogue with ourselves, with nature, with spirit, with the divine for this is where “we felt safest”. We were meant to survive all of this - for this was our “boot camp” our training ground to help the planet evolve.
Anything you have gone through is actually for the “collective” to help and allow souls to grow. We are what you call the “forerunners” for we must know pain in order to know joy. We must understand suffering in order to have compassion. We have had to endure more than the average person for these times on the planet. We came through our lives unwavering in knowing that Love exists, no matter what. This was the lesson, and This IS the lesson now. It has not changed, what has changed is that we will now assist people in evolving as we have been, and keeping souls calm and being examples of love and compassion when all hell is breaking loose, and there is no proof. This is what we are preparing for. Many Healers, have gone through “Spiritual Deaths” and trust me, it felt like you were actually dying in order to reboot and realign with the new energy on the planet. All the “woo woo” will go right out the window now as people begin to see, feel and hear with their own eyes.
What Now? Now we begin to gain traction in our lives. We begin to integrate back into our lives in a very new grounded way. We see the past years as a lifetime ago. We let go in Peace, Love and Compassion. Easier said than done, nonetheless, it had to be done.
So as the Spring Equinox came in and kicked open a door for you, somewhere in your life - you finally saw light again, and had some hope, and were able to regain and claim your power. This Lunar Eclipse brought our pasts to a complete close. I mean a complete close. Never to be the same again, our lives are evolving whether we like it or not. In these times we will travel light. No baggage. We will eat differently. As we are now, it is called “light bodies”. The irony in this, we are more grounded than we have ever been.
We now live as examples, we no longer preach, we no longer think we know better, we no longer hide, we no longer buy into that we have no value because a lot of our gifts are intangible. We simply live now. Some of my friends have had this down for years, they may be opening up to other things now. Wherever we needed to grow and open up is where we will be lead by spirit. For a lot of creative, truth-seekers that have been soul-searching their entire lives, we now become grounded in the business of our creativity, managing our gifts, teaching, managing our money, managing living in a physical world.
Many light workers understand being grounded on the planet in the everyday mundane realm is well, just not as fun as our fantasy (the imaginary lives where everything co-existed in peace, and love and magic). The real world sucked, the real world had mean, cruel fucked up people, and so we retreated and stayed safe.
Now that the world is evolving, the people who have been asleep for years have begun to wake up and understand. People are beginning to understand that they have gifts, abilities, a purpose, even if that purpose is just to be happy. Being happy is the best purpose to have. A lot of us will now seek only to be happy, with our “Spiritual Overlay” in our lives. Spiritual overlay is a word I keep hearing, and it is your spirit always in knowing that we are creating a better world for the greater good, for something bigger than ourselves. And so all our motives will be generated by love. Spirituality will not be talked about so much in a stupid sense. We will just go about the business of our lives with knowing full well what we are building.
A lot of us will now be elevated. It’s long overdue. We will be elevated in order to be in leadership roles for the well-being of everyone on the planet. Life, Love & Liberty is what we will strive for.
April may start out confusing, you may feel as if you have lost your entire life, or misplaced it. You may have said where am I, what am I doing, and how did I end up here? You may have closed a lot of doors and ended communication with a lot of people You may have found that you cannot tolerate a lot from people if they are negative, or not nice. You may find yourself gravitating towards people that are like minded. We will begin to swim downstream, and not fight the current anymore. We will meditate more, heal more, breathe deeper and ground and integrate both spiritual and physical to become the new reality.
April will begin movement in our lives. Global movement, homes will be portable, we will live in more than one place. We will be collaborating with others on great projects. This will take place as “Rome Crumbles”, and a New World evolves and unfolds rapidly. The Dark forces will be fighting for its last breath, do not fear as we have been through this already, now we get to live in these exciting times. This is a huge time in history to be on the planet. It may look super scary at times, however, there are so many lies that things will get chaotic before they calm down as you can already see. The key is not to buy into anything - stay in Love not Fear. It takes practice to even understand this. I guess the best way is to check in with yourself at any given moment and ask yourself am I in Love? Or am I in Fear?
Love is light, and the more light shining on the planet, the sooner we can clean this big mess up. Humans are so messy. We are - lol! When you’re in your true essence as children are, as animals are, then you know light and love in its purest form. This is what we seek to have on the planet.
War, fear, all the darkness is to allow us to see what we don’t want. By the way, being Spiritual is not walking around singing peace and love all the time. Sometimes being Spiritual is being fully pissed, and expressing that. We have this ridiculous notion of what Spirituality looks like. Spirituality is you being in your truth - no matter what that is.
Get ready for some big movement on all levels. April, into the Summer will move extremely fast with a lot of changes very quickly.
Remember your true essence is pure love, pure light, pure energy. We are in bodies to experience the physical world. Your spirit came here to experience these times, in this way. Seek out your happiness and Joy. What makes you happy - go towards that and all will fall into place. We’ve been really hard on ourselves and others. It’s time for a change, this doesn’t mean being obedient by the way, this means allowing full expression of who you are for you to experience, and others to experience in the best way possible.