and our lives. From November of last year there has been a lot of internal gutting and restructuring much of what has been a gut-wrenching, soul intense time. Not lightly putting it, we have emerged from our internal rebuilding. Now we are ready to come into New Chapters, hopefully, a little wiser, and for sure humbled.
July is what I call "The Bridge to Stability" we are on our way to more stable ground within ourselves. We know what we want, we know what we don't want. There is still some fallout from all of this. Feelings have been hurt, relationships have ended, friendships, partnerships you name it, Saturn in Scorpio does not play. Scorpio is black or white. They either love you, or hate you, no in between. Saturn in Scorpio has forced us to scale down on everything, including who we deal with in our lives. We've been underwater for months, Saturn in Scorpio, Jupiter in Pisces, and Neptune in Pisces. These are all big planets that are changing the landscape of all that we know, we have been under an emotional cleaning/clearing our for months. Now it's time to purify. Before you can go forward into August take some time. It is no coincidence that Ramadan is in July.
We are approaching a Full Moon on Saturday in Capricorn. This represents our honor, our reputation, our stability, our money. Everyone will have money on their minds, future endeavors and stability. This Full Moon marks the end and the beginning. We will now enter a much more productive time, and a healthier time in relationships. Plan on a lot of warmer celebrations coming up this fall into the winter. Last year everyone was just going through the motions. We were walking emotional zombies.
Alot of us will be moving, changing residence, even changing countries. No one really knows where they want to be at the moment either in Love, Living, or Business. We all have an idea, a vision, but because we are "new" to ourselves, it will take a minute to step into our new skins. The new revised better you.. is going to have to practice stepping into your power, grace, confidence and beauty. We have come off some super intense energies so July is our bridge to gearing up to where we are going. This month we will catch our breath, regain our strength, soul search on some love issues, and move forward into fun productive lives.
We are moving into a very "action oriented" time. We will leave the water behind, Jupiter in Cancer all about home, food, and safety and move into
fiery passionate Leo. This will be a much sexier time ..alot of us will be very happy about this.
Jupiter the planet of luck, expansion, good fortune, positivity will move into the sign of Leo. This will set a trend of Full Self Expression. Alot of us have been stifled for many reasons in our lives. This time will now bring our passion forward in Full Force. Leo rules the heart so a lot of renewed, or new relationships will be happening.
This bridge in July will carry us into new businesses, new ventures, new projects, new life, new love. Everything will feel very different at the end of July. Decisions will be made of this summer going into the fall for Brand New Starts.
It's time for Passion in our lives again, Fun, warmer heartfelt moments, and full self expression!
God Bless Us All, Lord We Have Been Through It!!!!
With Love, Light, and Grace