OCTOBER ENERGIES will roll from September as one big blur. You were probably walking around the last days of September wondering what just happened and why is my world different in the blink of an eye. There was a zombie like disconnected feeling the past two weeks due to the overwhelming amount of change, stress, and emotional situations happening to all humans at the moment.
The Energy let up a little bit Friday night, however do not be fooled, there is still more to come, be addressed, and deeply delved into.
Ocotber will be a mix of energies, quiet time will be needed, and alot alot of it. This would be a time to go very deep into what you Truly want. No one can do this for you. We all are going through a period of growing up, Spiritually. We are no longer toddlers through 2012 we have to grow up and grow up now.
This is not me saying this, if you haven't noticed the ENERGY is demanding it from us.
Let me back track to the summer for a minute. This summer was somewhat uneventful for alot of people, meaning...it seems as though all we were doing was taking care of business, the demands of daily life, and time being compressed was alot to deal with, and so we tried to take time wherever we could. We sat on alot of things until end September when it exploded and opened everything up. Ad you saw you had to take a road just by instinct and energy, not knowing what would even be in front of you in the next day.
September rolled in, and with the end of September came, Pluto going direct, A full moon, the equinox, Saturn square venus, and just an intense amount of planets coming together that if your living under a rock you would still feel the intensity. There is alot to cover in the October Notes so I thought I might try to break it down into categories:
BALANCE; I want to address Balance first because if you haven't noticed we have been completely knocked sideway in the past two weeks. Try to do as many baths, yoga meditation, eating healthy, and streamlining your closets and lives as you can. Keep everything very very simple. Do not over commit to anything right now. You really need to time, rest, sleep, relflection and introspection in reviewing your life and world.
FAITH: You need to conjure up you faith, muster it wherever you can. This is not only to believe in yourself, but to believe that things will all work out. In alot of ways it looks like Rome is crumbling around you, in some aspects it has to, and this can be unnerving, and feel scary. You just have to believe with all your might and all your heart, this is what Faith IS.
CLEAN UP: We need to clean up our worlds, all of it. Tie up loose ends as best you can. work on your issues, don't blame other people. Turn inward and do your work (hard as this is). and clean out your closets literally, Mainstream everything get rid of excess everything, simplify. Keep only what you love, and start to do that which you Love, spend time with people of whom you Love. Obligation is a thing of the 90's no one ..no one is obligated in this new energy.
Relationships: Relationships are being tested to the max. Self Love/Self Worth, Balance, Yin & Yang,
Truth, Support, and two partners that are living their truth and know what they want passionately.
Saturn in Scorpio requires you to BUILD a foundation that supports your PASSION. Nothing else will work and this can be very challenging because this Energy will not let up. There is no mercy here..you Must Do The Work there are no shortcuts, no band aids. This is NEW Energy for LOVE and Relationships, we all need a fresh start, however that requires New Perspectives, and living in this New Energy. We must work separate but together to get to a higher ground.
October will require you to clean up, wake up, stand up, face up (to all your fears). Facing all your fears will be telling the truth, speaking your truth, walking your truth.
Lao Tzu said it Best:
If you want to awaken
all of humanity,
then awaken all of yourself.
If you want to eliminate
the suffering in
the world, then eliminate all that is dark
and negative in yourself.
Truly, the greatest gift
you have to
give is that of your
own self-transformation.
With All My Love, Kimlovemuse
The Energy let up a little bit Friday night, however do not be fooled, there is still more to come, be addressed, and deeply delved into.
Ocotber will be a mix of energies, quiet time will be needed, and alot alot of it. This would be a time to go very deep into what you Truly want. No one can do this for you. We all are going through a period of growing up, Spiritually. We are no longer toddlers through 2012 we have to grow up and grow up now.
This is not me saying this, if you haven't noticed the ENERGY is demanding it from us.
Let me back track to the summer for a minute. This summer was somewhat uneventful for alot of people, meaning...it seems as though all we were doing was taking care of business, the demands of daily life, and time being compressed was alot to deal with, and so we tried to take time wherever we could. We sat on alot of things until end September when it exploded and opened everything up. Ad you saw you had to take a road just by instinct and energy, not knowing what would even be in front of you in the next day.
September rolled in, and with the end of September came, Pluto going direct, A full moon, the equinox, Saturn square venus, and just an intense amount of planets coming together that if your living under a rock you would still feel the intensity. There is alot to cover in the October Notes so I thought I might try to break it down into categories:
BALANCE; I want to address Balance first because if you haven't noticed we have been completely knocked sideway in the past two weeks. Try to do as many baths, yoga meditation, eating healthy, and streamlining your closets and lives as you can. Keep everything very very simple. Do not over commit to anything right now. You really need to time, rest, sleep, relflection and introspection in reviewing your life and world.
FAITH: You need to conjure up you faith, muster it wherever you can. This is not only to believe in yourself, but to believe that things will all work out. In alot of ways it looks like Rome is crumbling around you, in some aspects it has to, and this can be unnerving, and feel scary. You just have to believe with all your might and all your heart, this is what Faith IS.
CLEAN UP: We need to clean up our worlds, all of it. Tie up loose ends as best you can. work on your issues, don't blame other people. Turn inward and do your work (hard as this is). and clean out your closets literally, Mainstream everything get rid of excess everything, simplify. Keep only what you love, and start to do that which you Love, spend time with people of whom you Love. Obligation is a thing of the 90's no one ..no one is obligated in this new energy.
Relationships: Relationships are being tested to the max. Self Love/Self Worth, Balance, Yin & Yang,
Truth, Support, and two partners that are living their truth and know what they want passionately.
Saturn in Scorpio requires you to BUILD a foundation that supports your PASSION. Nothing else will work and this can be very challenging because this Energy will not let up. There is no mercy here..you Must Do The Work there are no shortcuts, no band aids. This is NEW Energy for LOVE and Relationships, we all need a fresh start, however that requires New Perspectives, and living in this New Energy. We must work separate but together to get to a higher ground.
October will require you to clean up, wake up, stand up, face up (to all your fears). Facing all your fears will be telling the truth, speaking your truth, walking your truth.
Lao Tzu said it Best:
If you want to awaken
all of humanity,
then awaken all of yourself.
If you want to eliminate
the suffering in
the world, then eliminate all that is dark
and negative in yourself.
Truly, the greatest gift
you have to
give is that of your
own self-transformation.
With All My Love, Kimlovemuse