JUNE is a pivotal month. Our full attention will be required. There will be many changes, so be as fluid as you can, however have a template plan down and expect it will change. The reason for your template is so that you don't get thrown around by the energy.
JUNE will feel lighter, your sense of smell will be stronger. Your body will feel lighter almost as if if the past weight you have been carrying for what seems like years will suddenly melt away.
All this change all this newness is a result of all of us working very painfully hard on Full Self Exression.
We have all been and still are aligning ourselves to our True Selves and this has not been an easy task not to mention pull your hair our frustrating at times. I have come to believe that we have had so much stuff happen to us to learn from our mistakes that we are now peeling away layers of our false selves, which requires looking at the good, the bad and the ugly to return to our organic self, you know our own comfortable skin where we don't have to prove anything, and we can contribute what we want genuinely to the world and mankind.
The process has been difficult because we have had to make many mistakes which is actually a good thing because it keeps us alive and on track with getting to our true purpose. Full Expression isn't always beautiful, it's petty, ugly and sometimes even scary in moving toward your Full Expression, however, we must all go through our rite of passage in order to get there.
I think we are all beginning to understand this. Now you can probably see it's not the End Times, even though none of us truly know, but in my opinion it is the end times of humanity not pulling together for a better world which is what we are here for. Because we are now moving to a higher vibration you will begin to see alot more, it's as if you've been wearing one set of glasses and now your eyes see completely different. You will notice more ugliness about the world, you will notice more things about people that you don't like that you seemed to have never seen before. This is because we are all working out old patterns and quite frankly everyone's patterns are energentically crashing into everyone else shit. \
This has been tiring to say the least, everyone walking around scratching their heads talking to themselves going "Is it me? yes it's you, and them. All issues being worked out to "dissapate" once and for all. This is why we keep coming up against ourselves every single time. This is nothing to get upet or caught up in, just keep moving through it, don't let things or people trip you up..movement is key.
As we free our selves of all this ..we will begin to either drop people or people will drop out. This is all for the sake of growth growth growth. Energy is energy is energy and yours is going to go it's own way just as you need to allow someone else's. You are not driving the car of anyone else's life but your own..get it? This won't be easy to get but it will be the case anyway.
Let's talk about some new issues that have popped up while we are going through this eveolution into mid-year.
Respect: There needs to be a new level of respect with people however this is not what you think i am going to say. Everyone is very very busy, so busy in fact that they only blindly are looking at only what they need in their moment of crisis, impatience or whatever they want right in that minute.
We all need to understand what we are taking from people, their needs to be more compassion or more of a quality of time even if it's five minutes or five hours.
we are all like busy mothers with eight children pulling on us, so remember to acknowledge the person who is in front of you, in other words...get present with whomever you are relating to in that moment and be fully there - this will make life alot richer, alot clearer communication wise, and will by pass alot of drama. I've noticed how easy it is just in my own practice of people discarding someone so casually because they are consumed by all their own stuff. Not really such a great way for people to conduct themelves while evolving to their higher selves. So please really Be Present People Deserve to Be Aclnowledged, and Appreciated. You will be the one who is all the more richer for it.
Love, Relationships have been tested to put it mildly, I said a long time ago we will be meeting up with our true partners. This started in 2009. Some people have stayed in relationships past their due date and are now just opening up to their new selves. There is no right or wrong timing, it is what it is and only you know if you are genuinely in something or not.
Relationships are always much of riding the waves together. It's never going to be completely one way, but Love is Love and you will know it in your heart.
In June there will be this uncurrent of sadness that you won't be able to put your finger on, it's part of the process of letting go. Anytime there is a release there is a kind of sadness followed by a feeling of a sort of excitement of the unknown, but this is all very quiet and under the surface at the moment.
Part of the Realness that's happening. It's hard to determine because everything is new and changing all so quickly.
Speaking of quickly, Since January there have been lotos of retrogrades, which as frustrating as they have been, have actually been a blessing for many reasons, it gave us more time to move through whatever we needed to move through without being rushed. If you have used the energy properly
you will have known that this past 6 months has been a time of preparation...along with letting go.
You will have gained a new perspective on cleaning out, cleaning up, and preparing to move foward in a whole new reivented way. We are still under this influence in June as our final clearing out of our closets, (new style), relationships (genuine mutual respect minus control), agendas (using people for our own needs and then tossing them), keeping phone numbers or friendships around that we have outgrown (false sense of security), tossing out old furniture, (learning the art of living that completely suits you :))
If you haven't cleaned out you will have not gained a new perspective and if you have not gained a new perspective you will not move foward and will remain stuck. You cannot be stagnat in these times whether in your head heart or life...You, We all need to bring our own signature of expression into this world and it is your responsibility to now do this. You will for sure come up against obstacles that is why we now have so many people to help us. Have you noticed how much service and assistance there is to support our well being? These time call for it, so step out and ask rather than be stuck, with a responsibility on your part.
There will a New Lightness in people, (once they've shed what they need to shed, all in their own good time. A new purity of being, which by the way doesn't really support drugs or drinking or vices so we all have to find other ways to deal...all that stuff assists our personality, not our souls. It's also something that will start to melt away as your true essensce comes through. Eating well, drinking lots of water, meditating (in whatever your Zen is) will help. I have been doing tons of acupunture with Dr. Steve Cohen, if you need to get unblocked on a physical level, he is the man. Our bodies are changing as we evolve. Our nervous systems will need help as this occurs.
June Task List:
Clean Up (Yourself) :)
Clean out Clutter, closets, basements, attics, cars, home etc.
Be present in the moment while interacting with any human being
Respect your fellow humans
Align your self with your purpose
Ask for help or assistance where you need it.
Get organized
Keep it Simple (everything)
Lighten your Life (You figure it out)
Allow growth
channel or find channels for your issues, (anger etc)
Go have fun
Paint, draw, dance, write
Get all unfinished communication out of the way
Be around children and animals as much as possible
Bravely Make whatever changes you want in your life
Push yourself to move towards Full Self Expression
Keep only what's necessary to be happy and fulfilled
Realize that when in your true spirit, abundance lives there too
With Love & Respect
The Art of LIVING has truly arrived, It's really beautiful really vivid technicolor even while pushing through all the twists and turns ..it really seems to be our one common goal..LOVE all INCLUSIVE.