Sunday, April 11, 2010

April Energy Notes Update - Earthquakes

I have been receiving a lot of phone calls asking me about the Earthquakes that seem to be happening almost every other day now.

I decided to see if I could go in to Mother Earth and connect with her, so I did a meditation before I went to sleep. Since I am able to connect with people, places on a psychic level I went down deep into the ocean floor (where I was guided).

Within minutes I was crying and felt an overwhelming sadness..surprised at my reaction I kept at it..with tears and sadness this is the information I received:

We are not in partnership with our Planet..We have been so busy with "ourselves" Our anger, our drama that we cannot even feel what is really going on..

This is part of the reason for all of us working so hard on "Getting Rid of OUR Funky stuff" we have collected from abuses and anger passed on from people in our lives. Once you come to a place of Love - you can actually feel the Planet and what is happening.

I asked where will the next Earthquake occur? The information I received was "Where The Whales Gather".

I started researching where do Whales gather? I didn't come up with much..then after a few days realized...Whales gather in the water..they are the holder and keepers of the Akashic Records - Sacred Animals since the beginning of time. They hold all our Soul's information as well as all of Humanity's.

All the Earthquakes are taking place on the Ocean floor, thus leaving it impossible to predict.
Water is such a powerful force. My feeling is as the Glaciers melt it is causing strong activity under the ocean which in turn is activating the tectonic seems everywhere.

It is up to get off our Dramas, and start really taking care of this planet and becoming partner's with our planet. Get into Partnership with yourself & our planet.

When you go to bed at night say a prayer for yourself, your loved ones, and the planet.
We need to wake up. We have been so selfish in thinking only of our lives and not what is happening around us. The planet is shaking us up to take care of our Ocean, and all living creatures.

I write this not to alarm you, but to encourage you, and to help educate you on what we need to do.

I think we need to take it up a notch on Healing the Planet.

More on the Akashic Records later when I have some intelligent information to share with you. I was led to the Whales so I will keep researching this ,and post whatever information I receive.

Any comments are welcome.

Love Kimberly