April will be a whirlwind. It will be exciting because whatever we were thinking of back in December, January, February and part of March is now being put into action. Everyone is waking up to their truest selves, which can only mean one thing..true lifestyles, work, and loves.
We have officially stepped into unconditional love..think about that for there is so much freedom in that. With freedom, comes beauty & authenticity. We are not through the time tunnel yet though. Almost, but not quite until May or June. We are in the process of huge healings from the past 10 years. That is alot of stuff to unload. We are in the thick of it right now while transitioning into new surroundings.
April is a month of responsibilty and healing. Responsibility to clean up relationships, and any messes that need to be cleaned up from 2009, (remember that year), although clean ups should not be difficult and will flow fairly easy. It is a month of healing your body and your soul to begin your new life and shape our new world, (and your world).
We will be busy, and on the move. Expect lots of communication, events, and running around.
On the relationship front you can see how towards the end of March the energy shifted to a faster pace, and it's only moving faster. People that ended relationships should be well over that relationship now, and moving towards brighter horizens either in their head, or actually in
pursuing something (someone) different. People will have moved on, and accepted things in their lives with grace and ease. The drama has been removed both in our beings and our relationships. Look back remember the drama frenzies? They were not for nothing, they were for us to learn and understand, grow and evolve into better human beings. Holding a grudge will only hold you back, let go, say goodbye and just move foward. Some things will just be erased with time.
This is why I call April's Energy Notes "Through the Time Tunnel".
"The Time Tunnel" we are almost through the tunnel and on the other side is a whole other story. The one you've dreamed of, hoped for, longed for.
Whatever you can do to heal through the fast pace of April do it. Yoga, reike, acupunture, steams, saunas, massages, journaling, journeying any form of healing that suits you, learn to incorporate it into your daily or at least weekly schedule.
People in your life that are supposed to with you - will be, and no matter how far away, or how frequent or infrequently you speak - no one can break that bond. We will all be meeting up with new people as well because we are shifting our new lives. Freedom with Love is key. You have to let people "do their thing" and continue to love them. Everyone will be off creating their own little world amidst the big world to bring their gifts and what they love and hold close to their hearts to the front.
These are amazing times we are living in. One last thing, whatever you do..do not compare your "pace" to someone else's not only will you miss your rythm, but you will lose sight of your own path. Some people are ahead, others are behind..it really doesn't matter, but I will say this -I learn and listen from the one's ahead of me, and I teach and show compassion to the one's that are behind. We all just need to help. I see the lines in people's positions fading, and counting on and paying attention to their character and who they are. Your body will let you know who you want to deal with, and who you don't. Pay attention to your energy, and other's energy as well.
The energy seems to be very faced paced, sometimes it zig zags, and other times its flowing nevertheless it's moving. Remember to show Love through your pace. Afterall isn't that what we are her for?
I will most likely be adding the these notes throughout April, so check back with me.
With Love, Strength & Clarity