Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Energy Notes **2/16/10 Transitory

How's everybody doing out there ? ok? It's not so easy right now.. You may find your lighter and even happier, but the energy is definitely hard to decipher at the moment...still not sure right..don't try to figure out where it's all going to end up --you cannot know watch & see..surprises are in store. You will have a feeling about things ..but you will not really know
it will come with a sense of excitement, wonderment or confusion lol...

I would say we are in "A Right of Passage" at the moment choosing on how we move make sure to step back and really "feel out" your direction..your inner compass. Situations, meetings, deals, etc will feel like they are criss-crossing all over the place..this is because they are.

You may feel different - in your body, you may feel as if you are a New person that your not sure you know - this is because - You Are ..Use times of silence to get to know the New person..You. We are still in the Mars you can feel the Energy speeding up as you are finishing up old things, people or places..after March 10th everything will feel New -even if it's old.

You may be dropping people in your life, hooking back up, or meeting New people that are meant to be in your circle now. You will see right through people..Truth will be evident in everything.

Projects will start to move, and new projects will start to show up..ones that you will be working on and will follow-through on - Follow through - big.

Relationships..will be all over the place for a minute longer, they will settle into their own right of where they should be in your life to support you the most - or leave. There will be a whole new element of freedom and unconditional love and if anyone stresses you or hurts you - your being will not be able to tolerate it - like it did's just not happening.
Drawing lines in the sand is imminent.

People will begin to assist each other on many levels in connecting up. Again Love will be unconditional as it must be for people to bring all themselves foward and show up in ways that they never have before. Very different than how alot of people have been used to living.
For some of us - this is old news..we have always assisted people in our lives and it has been natural to us.

You may feel a little, empty, a little lost..if so...sit tight ( I don't mean literally) do your life, move about, but have the patience for things to open and REVEAL themselves to you- they will..and that will give you your direction if you keep your eyes in your head and heart open.

Heal Relationships NOW that are important to you - It's may not have a chance later on...there may be too much of an Energy Rift come Springtime.

Stay Present in your Vision of what you want for you life..Hold it like you would hold the Holy Grail...sacred and true to your heart - because can have it - if you want it.

Be as Bold, Brave & Beautiful as you can possibly DARE to Sexy as, as Vibrant as. as Creative Out there and over the top as you can BE...Your TRUE TRUE SELF..very exciting and for some...the first steps to becoming who they truly are...

Time to step out on Stage for the first time!!! so a few more weeks to pull it together and at least have some sort of template to work with. Pull it together ..clean out, clean up and that will be all you need to do to get align yourselves.

Your are still "Morphing" so Pay Attention to yourself. Love yourself and Love the Times even in any fear or uncertainty..we are almost into the full shift ...and it will look different on the other side...of March into Spring and Summer..
These are unpredictible yet exciting times..stay centered within your own Heart & Soul and move out into the world from there.

Love Kimberly