Tuesday, January 11, 2011

January Energy Notes* Are We There Yet?

The Holidays seemed very low key. It was almost as if we didn't know what to expect, and yet

we really didn't expect anything. As anxious as people were to let go of 2010 - it is not exactly

a year to let go of. Some of our biggest lessons were finally understood in 2010. Alot of us saw

our lives culminate where we arrived to a place of..what now, it's all different, I don't how it's different,

and yet I want it to be different, because well I'm different. lol Did you get all that.

So here we are it's January 6th 2011 ..what's different ..for sure you are, and your life is ~ you might not know how just yet..but you and I both know you feel it down to your toes. You know that you don't quite recognize yourself just yet ~ your new self, but you have a sense of your new self.. If you look in the mirror it's still you, but you feel different. You sense change, you sense big changes only they haven't rolled out yet. Time's moving fast yet you feel like your in a time warp and can't move as fast, you should slow down.

All will come, all will be accomplished. Know that it will, trust that it will, work on clarity, patience and being productive without the impatience cloud hanging over your head. You'll know when you have to move, and when you can lean back if your paying attention to the energy.

Nothing has come together ~ yet. it will and is in a very big way. All pieces of the puzzle are moving into

place for you, the problem is you won't know how, and there will be no rythme or reason at the moment.

January is all about getting your bearings with yourself, your new surroundings because you have to navigate differently now. You won't know where to begin, who to begin with, pretty much how to go about thing. You will feel scattered and some days ~ even a little frustrated or alarmed.

I encourage to "use" this energy ~ you need to push through to see where you have been doing things the old way. The frustration you feel is because you can longer accept certain situations, or how you have gone about and handled situations.

The scatteredness you feel is kindof in the mix of not being able to focus on anything for too long. Do whatever your doing for as long as you can, and when you get tired of it..take a break and take at least 10 to 15 minute to clear your energy and head before going on to the next task.

We are being trained to be more fluid, lighter, looser, less stressed and more free flowing this is to move you into more of your intuitive side to make sure you are in the moment and very aware of what your doing.

You may see that your moving slower, even though your mind is racing..I noticed that when I am split like that it actually takes me longer to get dressed and pull it together. The reason for this is there is no real routines anymore. I am not sure what is taking the place of routine but at the moment scattered energy seems to be taking up that space.

Use your energy for you right now and whomever is around you that needs help or assistance. We are all a little lost at the moment (because of the energy) not because we don't know what we want, or what we are doing. We have been over what we want for ourselves a million times in 2010 so that we are walking with our knowing in 2011. It's just going to take a minute for us to get adjusted to time moving in different rythms and waves and for you to start feeling it so you can work with the energy and move with the energy

instead of being out of sync with everything. A word about being out of sync, you will feel it and notice it right away. If you are out of sync..slow down, clear yourself meaning take 10 minutes to not think about anything and then move back in relaxed and open ~ it should help you align and feel safe in your skin.

Quiet time is a necessity as we are still learning new ways of being, doing, feeling, living. This is a whole new way of living and alot of people are still getting used to this and haven't well..quite landed yet. It's all different because of the new opportunities coming your way that your soul knows more about than your head does. Your head ~ cannot run the show anymore. Your heart needs to run the show. You will now feel the truth, not think the truth lol. That has been alot of the problem..thinking the truth~ impossible. Use your head to reason, be logical manage time etc. Let your heart and instinct run things now ~ this is what's different and it will take time to adjust to. Be in the moment as much as you can

which means you probably won't know alot, and you will be surprised on how open, enpowered and in awe about life you will be. You don't need to know everything at every moment, stop arming yourself with false notions.

Trust, Breathe and when your having a fit because nothings working, nothings falling into place, trust, breathe. Nothing can be forced, use a different intelligence to receive different answers.

Some situtations will still waste your time, but it will be revealed quickly keep moving..it could be a result of you putting too much faith in what someone is saying. If you want to rely on what someone is saying..then question it with you intuition, which will provoke you to ask different questions and assist people in front of you to tell the truth.

Nothing will be where you want it to be at the moment, things will seemingly not be falling into place on your time schedule, but things are aligned for you in the schedule of the universe..this is where you need to listen inbetween to work with the energy. It will give you deeper insight and help you come to choices, not force them. This will require patience, sometime more than you have, and then more. This will require more alone time, more than you want for you to get straight with your own energy. Time will be a strange thing. Time that you need will be felt, not timed..timed will feel inorganic.

Some days will feel good, some days not so good, only both will be felt stronger ~ everything will be felt more intensely Life will be much much Richer.

Life will become and is becoming more about the Richness of Living, Love, & Creativity. Authenticity is key for us to bring our richness to our worlds and people around us. We will be fully embraced in ourselves which in turn will allow others to fully embrace us and who we are. Appreciation & Respect will not be taken for granted. As well as if someone is wasting your time and energy and you are clear about it, you will probably put an end to dealing with that person so that you can use you time in a more productive way.

We are actually getting used to breathing in a different way. Our breath will be stronger. Our voices may change as we get more aligned and in tune with ourselves and our purpose.

Replenishment will become much more important, you will become very very aware of what pulls, or takes from your life force. Stress, Worry, Energy hoarders, energy stealers, ego based encounters, will all take from your life force. Find ways every day to replenish and restore your life force. There is magic in Life now ..find it and use it in your own individual way it will be an added dimension of joy and amazement.

Observe the nature of things, observe your nature and others; Listen on how to communicate it is as if

language has taken on a whole different way..meaning look at each individual and you will now understand what language people in life are speaking, even in their silence. This will lead to deeper more honest interactions.


We are no longer will to settle for anything but our true partner's, our blueprint match I call it. Anything less

will just be well~ boring and or non-productive. We need our true partner's to do what we need to do and to be in the world. Women are finally getting back into their true feminity and are willing to allow men to have some power ~ we are trusting men more to take the reins they are best in that role..this goes for straaight, gay whatever. There will now be a balance , give and take, yin & yang all of what is needed. If your a nurturing person you will now start to feel it much much stronger. Our true natures are taking over finally maybe now we can let go of the nuerosis that we've all endured and experienced. On another note

anyone who is not a good being, at this point..chances are they are probably not changing at least not for you. Best to leave them, move on and create your own sense of fulfillment by taking care (not control) of what's around you. 2011 is about being responsible to yourself, people around you, and the world.

We are embarking on New Times, like none other. It's not a fairy tale, but it's not a nightmare..it's a nice balance somewhere inbetween. The beauty is we are all bringing such Love, such Truths, such amazing gifts which is our gifts as human beings to experience this strange strange place called planet earth ~ our home.

Peace, Love and Intuitive GPS Blessings * 2011



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