Monday, May 10, 2010

May Energy Notes

For most of April I felt like I was on a "hoverboard" you know the thingie in the movie "Back to the Future" that they flew around on.

On Wednesday Mercury goes direct - this particular Retrograde was fascinating to me as I could not tell half the time where I was. One minute I was in my past, then I blinked and got a glimpse of my future. As everything seems to be weaving itself together in our lives past, present and future to discover what we Value most in our lives.

We have been forced to clean-up, step up, step backwards, step foward all at the same time. If you haven't noticed..everything seems to be UP IN YOUR FACE. What you've done, what you haven't done, what you've said, what you haven't said and what you need to say what your doing and most of all where your going, and the style in which you are going. We are all now our own Masterpieces and will go back and render whatever patience we need with ourselves. What a beautiful thing that is. Make sure you take some down time through all the incredible changes coming up. Be patient with other people as well.

Things will now be Very Very different. We have had since January time to fall apart, freak out, spin out, live through our chaos, confusion, guilt, pain tears anger,frustration and review our lives several times over as well as become aware of what a very different place Planet Earth has become.

We now have 50 projects we are working on (well maybe not 50, but it feels like it!) time has sped up, what is demanded of us and of ourselves -well let's just say the bar has been raised for what we want for ourselves, the people we love and our beloved planet. Much collaboration will be happening now if a very new way. Dealing with people will feel very different and I am pretty sure new friendships have been forged ,while others have had to been let go, or put somewhere in the background of your life for the moment as we have so much to accomplish.

I am sure you can feel the change in the air as well as feel the changes within yourself as you move foward. It almost looks like a movie that your in..sometimes slow motion and sometimes really fast paced, sometimes surreal and other times it couldn't feel more right.

We are still moving steadily (although it may not feel like it everyday) but more so that not
into our new skins, new how many lives change between now and June. We still need to learn to navigate intuitively as we move through our lives as the old rules no longer apply. If you don't believe me - keep doing things the same way as you did- you won't get far. The energy just won't cooperate.

As April seemed confusing it was necessary to be thrown into everything at once even if it was just in your head, for some it was their lives. So much has happened that you will probably not be able to comprehend it all. You are probably saying while scratching your head "What happened in April". Alot of decisions that have not yet come to fruition were made. Alot of cleaning out of the "Psyche" was happening in April while you had to be on the move at every moment.

May- will be a month of Focus & Action. Things you have started will start to roll-out in May
but it will require deep focus and holding the reins Steady..things you have put off - or that you daydreamed about will now need action and trust it won't feel altogether (that's why the steadiness is needed) May will feel smoother after the 11th give or take a few days, but that does not mean if will be any less busy - it won't. May will require you to be on top of your game in every area of your life. Don't waste your energy on the trivial whatever that means to you.

Our Hearts will feel different in May, Our beings will feel different, new places, new beginnings. Exciting yet grounded yer nothing will be full form. Newness is in the air.
Change has begun in you and around you.

New Homes, new partnerships, new loves, all NEW Beginnings with a feeling of..This is where I belonged in the First Place!

The deep sadness you felt in April was you becoming "Unpinned" from your Old Life, and of what doesn't work anymore. None of us will do our lives the same as we did before. It will be like waking up in a dream that has now become real. A sigh of relief, with a deep sense of sadness to say goodbye to the life you once knew.

People, Places, Experiences, Pains, Hurts, Betrayals..all that stuff no longer valid. It helped make you who you are, but now it will be a distant memory as people move foward and Speak their Truth as they walk through their life equipped with full knowledge of their mistakes, and how not to make them again.

You will speak & act from your heart. You won't be able to do it any other way. I am not sure
I can explain why or even why the timing is the way it is. Just know that everything is in Divine Order I know that sounds like a "cliche" but if you trust and really feel this you will understand what I am talking about. You will lose touch with people, you will be busy forging your Destiny- all of us will. It's hard but try to love people through this. We are all here to make the best of our lives and contribute what we want and need too all according to our own timing and paths. People that are meant to stay in your life - will live in your heart and others will move on to do what they need to do. Please know there will things revealed with regard to people you know that will actually give you a better understanding of your own life at this time. Answers to questions you have had for years will just show up.

Unconditional Love - is probably one of the hardest lessons I have had to learn but at this point what choice do we have? It makes me feel better to know that all people that I love are striving and becoming the Truest of themselves that they can be and I feel like they we are walking together yet separate - even if you don't see them or talk to them alot. I still love them, and people who have fallen off track in their lives - well it is their path who am I to judge what is theirs, I can only try to gain a greater understanding within myself from my experience of the moment in time that we had.

Everyone one of us live alone within ourselves and together in the World. Authenticity and standing in your own Truth will only make your relationships stronger. This is not and has not been an easy road for any of us to come into our own understanding with. However it is my belief that it has not only awakened our Human Spirits to a Much higher level, it has intensified our gifts, our compassion, humility and Love to heights beyond our recognition.


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