Wednesday, January 8, 2014

*ENERGY NOTES*: January Energy Notes: The theme this month is, grace, gratitude and moving forward*

*ENERGY NOTES*: January Energy Notes: The theme this month is, grace, gratitude and moving forward*

January Energy Notes: The theme this month is, grace, gratitude and moving forward*



                              JANUARY ENERGY NOTES


                      Grace, Gratitude, and ..Moving Forward

 January will feel really strange...sometimes you will feel like .....  this...

Other times you will feel like...


The point is,  we are leaving a blur between December into January, actually it's been a blur for me 
since September.
As we move into Aquarius time, you need to be innovative about many things.
You will be extremely busy, you will be overwhelmed, you will feel disoriented and lost, and other days
not care if your lost,  and feel more centered and inspired...even if

you don't know the outcome.

Managing your time, along with organizing and prioritizing is essential.
This will give you a track a structure a grip, for you to be brave, for the
past is gone, it burned with 2013.. many of us burned.. as we burned we burned a new path.  It's not easy learning how to discover, innovate, and reinvent yourself all at the same time.  For some easier than others however, It is not easy in the least, no matter where you are in the plan of your destiny.  It's painful, it's deep, it's lonely, it's necessary to come out on the other side. It takes commitment (your version) dedication (your version) love, patience, faith, and the will to keep going and step up to the ledge.
Facing all your fears is the ultimate task and test of the universe.

Its time to truly go into uncharted territory with yourself, as others go along we will all
meet up if need to.
There are a lot of human angels now. Trust in the flow( once your learn to go with it).

truth is, we all starting building a few years back however all our old behaviors got in the way
20 years of old behavior all in one year called 2013 Once upon a time.  We 
destroyed and built our lives simultaneously.
We are still in the process, and this is a critical time
to focus, use your energy wisely and rest when you can
this is alot. The Energy is intense into March and then comes 
another shift. 
Change is a constant now learn to expect the unexpected and keep going anyway.
There will still be earth changes, and big surprises.  This is a time to gather yourself as
this year will be extremely fast paced, so you will need to learn to move at your own pace to be as 
precise as you can on your template for this year.

I am sure we all as  women want to sit around like 


I know I do!!  however,  maybe this works better for you right now..meaning

You can still be innovative, sexy and productive there are all new possibilities and a lot of us 
are seeing what works and what doesn't. Finding our own style of living..not to any ones standards but your own. Freedom to be yourself. Live Your Life, and Contribute to this Beautiful Earth.

Be Creative

Find your paintbrushes, your tools, your mentors, your people, your loves, your friends,
your philosophy, your heart, your colors, your style. your pace, your rhythm, your temperament, 
your Grace, your Gratitude, your place in Life..

Your Place in Your Life.

Find Professionals, everyone needs help in different ways, look and see what areas you need help in..maybe it's bodywork, 
energy, vision, meditation, organization, the list goes on and on..
There are so many people who are so good in areas of healing that there is no excuse not to heal anymore.  Healers have been training for this time for lifetimes, including myself (boot camp actually) and there are more healers & innovators
showing up of the scene. so it's one big party of spirits uniting now if your up to it.  It requires you being brave, true, and well I don't know you fill in the blanks for yourself.  Everything is so available for your now. Just ask, look around, it will show up.
There is room for everyone.

All this work needs to happen Now, as March is Blast Off Time.

Some things will have to be put aside in your life at the moment in order to achieve focus, traction. and momentum. Just for a little while..we are all transitioning to blossom..

Is it an understatement to say we have all started to come up out of the mud?

Prepare to meet your Love if your have been doing the work of what you feel you deserve in life.  I think LOVE is the toughest and most essential lesson 

Love Heals Everything

So whatever it is you want to be ...dream on...

Anything is possible now in 2014 
It is your road, your dream

At the end of the day..It's all you.

With Love, Grace & Gratitude


Questions: For Questions or Scheduling Email me at
Thanks for Reading !